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How to make fabric wallpaper yourself

Image from the article titled You can make your own fabric wallpaper

Photo: Nastya ofly (shutter stock)

W.All paper can be messy troublesome, If removal is difficult You live in an apartment and may not forgivenFabric wallpaper is becoming a popular alternative, and has some advantages.worldYou can make it yourself, remove it and reuse it.

What you need to apply fabric wallpaper

worldis required drop clothsome thumbtacks, cloth, spray bottle, blade Also rotary cutting toolSeveral liquidTalciA tape measure is also useful for figuring out how much dough you need.

Avoid materials that absorb water easily, such as silk or satin.Also thick fabric not a good choice it becomes more difficult to absorb starch, Heavier and more difficult to hangStretchy fabric may also be difficult, Because they shrink and pull more unexpectedly than the more sturdy material. However, design and printing are only limited by your imagination.

To measure, measure horizontally and vertically and multiply the two to get the square feet of the wall.One way to determine the amount of fabricAll you need to do is find the width of your fabric of choice and divide the width of your wall by that number. Then use the wall height to determine the length of each panel and allow a little extra room.

prepare the wall To cleaning and dust and mud, give me enough Clear a space to work and put the drop cloth down. If there are switch plates or outlets on the wall, remove them and keep the surface flat. Put some strong starch in a spray bottle and grab a thumbtack.

Methodanng your fabric

To hang the fabric, use thumbtacks starting at one corner of the wall and across the top, leaving a little extra along the top. To make sure the panel is straight, align one edge with the edge of the wall. Then add panels until the wall is covered. If you are having trouble getting the panel straight (because some houses are not perfectly square), You can fit the straightest edge to one edge of the panel When the starch is done, cut it off, leaving the excess on one side.

starch the dough

Then take the starch and spray it from the top corner of the dough. Smooth the cloth along the wall, driving away any wrinkles on the sides or bottom of the panel. Repeat the process until the panel sticks to the wall. If necessary, you may need to readjust the pattern by overlapping the seams or moving the material. Make sure.

trim the fabric

Then dry the starch and trim the edges with a blade or cloth rotary tool. Make a straight cut along the corner of the wall or use a straight edge to make a straight line. You will also need to trim around the light switch and outlet covers and cut near the edge of the wall opening so that the covers can be replaced from above. After replacing the outlet cover, the cloth wallpaper is complete.

reuse the fabric

To remove the material, just peel it off. wash off the starch Wash the walls with a mild detergent.To reuse the material, wash off the excess starch and the material is ready to use.

How to make fabric wallpaper yourself

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