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How to make a wall with plastered accents

Image of article titled How to Make a Wall with Stucco Accents

Photo: Photographee.eu ((((Shutterstock).

Lime wash treatment can help you Achieve an old-fashioned appearance on various surfaces— —especially, It’s a great way to add accents to a single wall. Any focus room. Originally used for bricks and stones, this method works best on porous surfaces, but the variety of paint products currently available has also attracted attention as a treatment for rooms and furniture.

Before you start, keep in mind that lime wash cannot be washed with water. This painting technique is not ideal for tabletops and other smooth surfaces, as the overall effect depends on the texture. However, this expensive look finish is capable of pulling itself apart on the right surface with some materials and preparation.

What you need to make plaster:

You will also need gloves, goggles and a mask.

Apply primer, lime putty, primer layer

First, you need to apply a primer to prepare the wall surface. Tape the surface you don’t want to paint and apply a mineral-based acrylic primer to the surface of the wall with a roller. Use a brush to paint areas that the rollers cannot easily cover. Allow the primer to dry completely before applying the first layer of lime wash.

Making the lime putty in the next step simplifies the rest of the process as it dissolves evenly in the lime wash mixture. To make putty, fill about one-third of a five-gallon bucket with water. Then use a whisk or other stirrer to mix the slaked lime powder until the slaked lime or gypsum putty is viscous. Be sure to wear goggles, masks, and gloves on this area.

Next, make a primer and a patina coat with a ratio of 1 part of alum salt, 1 part of natural mineral pigment, 10 parts of lime putty, and 40 parts of water. This should be a thinner mixture than the next washcoat. To avoid a grainy mixture, dissolve the alum salt in a small amount of boiling water before adding it to the mixture. Be sure to wear protective equipment on this part as well. Apply the primer coat in a cross shape with a wide stain brush to prepare the base. Stir while moving so that the mixture does not separate. The colors may look very bright, but they become more saturated as you progress.

Apply wash layer and patina layer

When the primer layer dries, mix the wash layer with 1 part of alum salt, 1 part of natural mineral pigment, 10 parts of lime putty and 20 parts of water. Don’t forget to dissolve the alum salt in boiling water before adding it. That way, the paint will not have a grainy texture. The consistency of this layer is significantly thicker than the first layer, adding more color to the surface. Then apply the wash layer to the surface with a crosshatch pattern. Notice that this layer is the most visible texture. When it dries, it looks brighter than when it gets wet, so if you need a more saturated color, you can add another layer of wash.

Once the wash coat is dry and you are happy with the color, the final step is to add a patina coat. Apply the patina mixture with a wide stain brush in a crosshatch pattern using the same mixture as the primer coat. When this coat dries, the lime wash is over. This surface cannot be washed with water and can be refreshed with a new lime wash if needed.

How to make a wall with plastered accents

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