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How to legally dispose of old tires

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Photo: Erica (((Shutterstock)

Thanks to my regular trash picking, I’ve become accustomed to the idea that I can throw it in a trash bag, put it in a trash bag, put it on a curb, or throw it away on a designated day of the week. , Sanitary workers or waste disposal companies will dispel it.

But after all, there are certain rules that govern what cities and private companies accept and do not accept.In fact, in many states, It is illegal to dispose of certain items Through regular garbage collection, including old tires. Here’s how to get rid of them legally:

Why can’t I throw my old tires in the trash?

At this point we are all try Old tires are a special case, to reduce the amount of waste that is landfilled. first, Tire shape That is, they hold a lot of air, occupy more space than other items of that size, and also cause them to move to the surface of the landfill.

When you get there, the tires collect rainwater. Will be standing waterAttracts rodents and mosquitoes. Old tires in landfills are also at risk of fire. Trap methane emissions.. Fires are bad news, but tire fires are notorious for being difficult to extinguish.

Another major concern is that the tires contain steel belts that can penetrate the landfill liner and contaminate it. The ground below them.In addition, they Not biodegradable— Means that it is likely to exist for hundreds of years (if not thousands) before it is disassembled.

How to legally dispose of old tires

Fortunately, there are legitimate ways to get rid of old tires. There are a few things to consider.

Leave it to the experts

If you bring your car to the store to get new tires, ask about their disposal options. From time to time, they may have a separate disposal fee to get rid of your old tires, or it may be incorporated into the cost of tire replacement.

You may also want Ask what they are doing with old tires— For example, whether to recycle or bring it to a junkyard. If they are heading to the junkyard, they can always recycle themselves.

Recycle old tires

Check your city or state government website for local tire recycling policies and the location of recycling centers that accept tires.You can also use this Online tools To find a tire recycling center in your area.

Upcycle or reuse old tires

there are many How to reuse old tires It does not include swinging the tires (although that is absolutely optional). Some popular projects include using old tires as planters, mini sandboxes, raised garden beds, and to make end tables and ottomans.

No matter how you reuse your old tires, be sure to first thoroughly clean them with a pressure washer (You can make one Use a regular garden hose). If you still don’t mind grease or dirt, a non-toxic degreasing agent ( This DIY version).

How to legally dispose of old tires

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