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How to get emoji reactions on WhatsApp

Image of article titled 3 Reasons to Update WhatsApp Now

Photo: Alex Photostock ((((Shutterstock).

There is no really “finished” app—EEven if you love it Inside and outside, It can always be a little better. WhatsApp is the most popular chat app in the world, but it’s not without room for improvement.And improve it With these three new features, Now deploy to WhatsApp users everywhere..

WhatsApp finally has an emoji reaction

At this point, most chat apps have an emoji reaction —Facebook Messenger, iMessage, Telegram …At least not WhatsApp to The latest update. THis features have just been added Meta other Favorite chat service.

First, you have six options: The usual suspect: “Thumbs up”, “Red heart”, “Face with tears of joy”, “Face with open mouth”, “Face crying”, “Folded hands”.The last one may be the only surprise, but it’s a good one.. I know I get a lot of messages saying “Thank you” right away, but thumbs up and moving aren’t particularly appropriate.

If WhatsApp omits your favorite emoji, don’t worry. According to the company, it doesn’t give any further details, but “will add a wider range of expressions in the future.” For example, I would like to know if WhatsApp plans to add an option to select from the entire emoji library, as in Facebook Messenger. Both apps are made by Meta, soIt wouldn’t be a leap to think they could pull it off.

2GB file sharing at a time

WhatsApp files share Options have been disappointing for a long time.. This app limited individual file sizes to just 100MB. This isn’t too generous given the size of recent photos, videos and other media.As part of the latest However, on the feature rollout, WhatsApp is updating the data limit to a 2GB end-to-end encrypted file share.Make sure you’re using Wi-Fi before sharing too many large files If your data plan is limited.

WhatsApp groups can now feature up to 512 people

Have you ever thought, “Hey, I wish I had talked to 500 people at once”??? Now is your chance: WhatsApp now supports group chats for up to 512 people. Do your best to keep those conversations in order.

To see if these features are available, make sure you’re running the latest version of WhatsApp on iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows. But don’t despair if you don’t see new updates, or if your app doesn’t have three features: Company planning We will release new updates to all users within the next weekSo maybe you are the only one You have to wait a bit before reacting to the emoji.


How to get emoji reactions on WhatsApp

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