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How to fix water damage in your home (and when to panic about it)

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Photo: Afanasieff Andriy (shutter stock)

If you’ve ever woken up with a broken water pipe, a broken water heater, or a flash flood that turned your basement into a swamp, know that water is one of the most destructive and harmful elements. You know. If you own a home, water damage is ultimately one of the worst things that can happen, and to avoid bigger (and longer-term) problems, you need to act fairly quickly. Here’s what to do if water gets into your home in an undesirable way.

assess water

First things first: If you’re standing in your living room in shock with water pouring out of a broken pipe, stop the water. you know it Location of stopcockright?

Once you’ve resolved an immediate problem (such as turning off the water or waiting for a storm to come in), the next step is to figure out what kind of water you’re dealing with. If it’s due to a broken water pipe, leaking shower, or rain, you can clean it yourself with minimal protective equipment.if “Gray” water from toilets, washing machines, or dishwashersyou can still clean it yourself, but you should wear rubber gloves and take care to thoroughly disinfect it afterwards.

However, if it’s “black” water from sewage or road flooding, you probably need professional help. Floods usually contain a lot of disease-causing bacteria and faeces. sewageIf that is the cause of your water problem, contact a restoration professional.

Dealing with damage

If the water damage is caused by clean water or gray water and is not very extensive, you should:

  1. Remove standing water. Remove water from all surfaces with a wet/dry vacuum cleaner, utility pump, or billion towels.
  2. Discard porous material. I hate to say it, but anything that absorbs water may need to be thrown away once it’s submerged. This includes wood, furniture and drywall. Washable items such as cushions and rugs can be saved if the water is relatively clean, but the chances of being able to remove all the water are minimal, so you should let go of everything else. Drywall can be cut 1 to 2 inches wider than the flooded area on both walls and ceilings.You are Might be so If the water is relatively clean (don’t try it if it’s black water) and you deal with standing water very quickly, you can salvage wooden floors, but your chances of success are low. If the water stays there for a while or is absorbed by the wood, it can accumulate between the boards and the subfloor, and between the subfloor and the joists. Over time, that water causes mold and dry rot, and attracts insects. The only way to dry completely is to remove the floor and subfloor. You can try to dry the area aggressively, but you should be extra sensitive to signs of mold or rot.
  3. Dehumidify. Operate fans and industrial dehumidifiers depending on the scale of the flood damage (you can borrow) will be needed for several days. After removing damaged floors, drywall, and other materials, ventilate the area until no moisture is detected. This can take a while, so please be patient.
  4. Disinfection. Cleans non-porous materials such as tiles and surfaces it touches, whatever the cause of the water ingress. Rainwater may not kill you, but it can bring a lot of dirt and germs into your home, and gray water can be even worse.
  5. Check for mold. The problem with mold is that it’s almost everywhere, dormant, waiting for water to come to life. Flooding increases humidity throughout the affected area, causing mold to grow. No matter how quickly you react and how well you dry the area, you need to stop sealing it up and make sure it hasn’t started to grow mold. Mildew and mildew often look like dirt, but if you know the space has been recently flooded, It’s probably mold.You can also use home test Admittedly, it may take some time before the results come back.
  6. Prevention. Once you’ve removed the rotten material, dried the water, and evaluated for mold, the final step before replacing everything is to consider what you can do to prevent this from happening again. If the damage was due to a natural disaster, it may be worth considering changing the property rating or installing pumps or drains to minimize flooding. If it came from a problem with your roof or a leak in your roof, you obviously need to fix it —For real before doing anything else.
  7. Repair and replace. may be worth investing in Moisture meter, you can tell if there is still moisture in the water-damaged area. Once the meter no longer detects significant moisture, you can remove fans and dehumidifiers and replace drywall, floors, and furniture as needed.


If the damage caused by water is relatively limited and if you act quickly, you can get through this problem without much trouble or expense. However, there are scenarios where panic is an appropriate response to flood damage.

  • The entire finished floor will be flooded. Your entire ground floor (or, sweet lord, your entire The second floors) or in a completed basement, this is a very big problem and may require a full professional restoration. This includes tearing up the floor and at least part of the walls and removing just about anything that has touched the water.
  • you don’t know the source. You may quickly discover that your old toilet is leaking, with water stains on the ceiling. It’s a whole different thing if you have water damage and you don’t know where it’s coming from. Because you may have a big problem. This can be a nightmare scenario where pipes inside walls leak, water leaks from neighboring buildings, or groundwater seeps into your building. If you are unsure, please consult a professional.
  • The water remained for some time. Whether you’ve just returned from a trip and your living room is full of puddles, or water is seeping into hard-to-reach areas of your home, no matter how small, it can be a big problem. not too big. Water that seeps into floors, walls, and furniture is very difficult to dry and can spread to other parts of your home.
  • Water damage is visible on the foundation. The floor and walls are interchangeable. It’s expensive, but it’s possible.However, if your foundation shows signs of water damage, you’re in a world of blemishes. contact an expert straight away Start thinking about worst case scenarios.

The key to dealing with home water damage is speed. When you cut off the water source and start drying things, the outlook becomes more positive.

How to fix water damage in your home (and when to panic about it)

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