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How to fix Pixel wireless charging

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Photo: Andrei Popov (shutter stock)

Wireless charging is our staple feature at the moment. Expect smartphones. Whether you have an iPhone or an Android, you know you can put your dying device on a Qi charger and see slow, steady results. However, Google seems to have accidentally terminated wireless charging for his Pixel in a recent Android update. If your Pixel is affected, you can Repair.

What caused my Pixel’s wireless charging to break?

There have been many complaints about wireless charging not working on the Pixel on r/Android, many of which are nothing new. 1 post from August 17th describe the situation in the same way as Posted on October 4thThe issue seems to stem from Android 13: Google’s “latest and greatest” some fun new features, Wireless charging seems to stop working on certain Pixels.

According to r/Android posts and comments, the Pixel 4XL is the most affected, but other Pixels, including the Pixel 6 Pro, appear to be at risk.The complaint claims that pixels are sometimes Say otherwise it is charging. intention Start charging before shutting off.

How to fix broken wireless chargingon Pixel

Many attempts to solve this problem were in vain, but fortunately The latest security updates are to fix—at least According to user djc-503They claim wireless charging was broken until it broke. Latest security updates, restored wireless charging on the Pixel 4. To install this security update, please visit the following URL: Settings > System > System Update.

However, for updates won’t There is another way. User SnooDrawings7662 I was able to restore wireless charging to both my Pixel 4XL and Pixel 6 Pro by:

First clear the cache on By going to the Google Pixel Stand app To Settings > Storage > Other apps,Selection Open the Pixel Stand app and tap “Clear Cache.” Then press and hold the power button to boot into Safe Mode, press and hold “Power Off”, then select “Reboot to Safe Mode”. After your device restarts, pair your Pixel with your Pixel Stand. Then reboot your phone to exit Safe Mode. Your Pixel will resume wireless charging.

Of course you shouldn’t Have Follow an intricate series of steps to access key features of the Experience Smartphone. But that seems to be Google’s MO these days.

How to fix Pixel wireless charging

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