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How to fix a bug that breaks the Kirby 64 game on Nintendo Switch

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Photo: Wachiwit ((((Shutterstock).

Nintendo Switch Online The N64 emulator makes it easy to revisit your favorite 3D games of the past.You can experience jewelry like Ocarina of Time, Banjo-KazooieWhen Star fox 64 High resolution on the go. However, not all are pink.When playing Kirby 64: The Crystal Shard Using this service, you may run into this bug that breaks Kirby in the middle of the game. Fortunately, there is a fix.

Redditor First shared the issue of breaking the game Please return on Friday, May 20th. As you can see from their post, Kirby is permanently stunned when damaged by certain sources in the water. In the video, Kirby is frozen after being attacked by a killer whale and does not respond to input. At that time, the only way to solve the problem was to restart the level and lose all the progress made up to that point.

Since then, Nintendo publicly acknowledged the problem, 7 days after the first Reddit post. That said, the company responded relatively quickly with an official update to fix Kirby 64 on Switch. Twitter user OatmealDome Broke the news3 days after Nintendo promised to release the patch for the first time:

With the new patch, the SwitchOnline N64 app will go from version 2.3.0 to version 2.3.1. You should notice the update the next time you open the app, but you can always check for updates manually if you don’t. click (+) Nintendo 64 — Hover over the Nintendo Switch Online app and press the button to see the version number under the app name. “Ver. 2.3.1”, you can go. Otherwise, Software Update> Via InternetThen allow the app to be updated.

This isn’t the first time Nintendo has Issued a software update to fix N64 emulation issues.. Since launching the expansion of Nintendo Switch Online, the company has added the fog that was originally missing. Ocarina of TimeFix Paper Mario A bug that crashes the game when Watt dies as a partner, and an unknown code patch Banjo-Kazooie.. Bugs aren’t fun, but at least Nintendo has a history of dealing with bugs.

[Nintendo Life]

How to fix a bug that breaks the Kirby 64 game on Nintendo Switch

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