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How to fix a bug on the “LGIMS” phone on T-Mobile

& # 39; LGIMS & # 39; Image of article titled How to Fix T-Mobile Phone Bugs

If you have LG phone And use T-mobile, You may have noticed that your device is broken due to the lack of better words. Many LG users have repeatedly reported the error message “Unfortunately LGIMS has stopped”. The message will pop up again shortly after closing, effectively disabling these devices. If this sounds like your experience, don’t worry anymore. There is a solution.

Traditional workarounds, such as turning the phone off and then back on, or reinserting the SIM card, do not solve the problem. Notifications appear to be undelivered in airplane mode, which is clearly not a long-term solution. Fortunately, Currently there is a fix It should fix the problem forever.

solution? Restart your phone again. I know, I just said it didn’t work, and if you’re dealing with this issue you’ve probably already tried it. However, there is actually a software patch that fixes this bug, so a fresh reboot can bring the phone back to normal.

The fix is ​​reported to be applied within a day, even if you don’t restart your smartphone. However, if for some reason this patch does not reach your phone, there is another proven workaround that you can use to regain control of your phone. Reddit user Tmashadi shared the fix In the Reddit thread about this issue..

First, enable airplane mode on your mobile phone, then Settings> Apps & notifications> App information.. Tap the three dots in the upper right to View System> com.lge.ims.rcsprovider.. Clear the cache, then the storage, then select Force Stop. If this sequence doesn’t work the first time, try a few more times. Tmashadi says it took three or four trials to get kicked in.

This issue is by no means a good thing, but I have to admit, it’s good to see the LG phone in the news something.. Tech companies withdrew from the smartphone market last year and retired as one of the leading companies in the “phone war”. LG never stood at the top of the mountain of smartphones, but its lineup was an early adopter of wide-angle cameras found on almost every phone, whether it’s the best audio experience through an embedded DAC. There was always something unique, no matter what. This day. Hopefully the next time I look at the LG phone in my news feed, it will be for something more positive than this, well.

[Slash Gear]

How to fix a bug on the “LGIMS” phone on T-Mobile

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