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How to Find a COVID Vaccine for Your Young Child

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Photo: maxbelchenko ((((Shutterstock).

For COVID vaccine Finally approved and recommended for 6 month old children, And small children all over the country can finally take shots. But where exactly is it? This round of vaccines is a bit harder to schedule than what you might have done for yourself or your older kids.

What is the minimum age to get the COVID vaccine at a pharmacy?

Different pharmacies have different policies regarding the age at which children can be vaccinated. Here are some of the minimum ages for major chains:

CVS You can get the vaccine over 5 years old at the pharmacy counter. Over 18 months with Minute Clinic..

Walgreens: 3 years old and over..

Rite Aid: 3 years old and over..

Costco: 3 years old and over..

KrogerVaccine Scheduler allows you to make reservations for children of age 1 or more..

Walmart Have Told the press Vaccine children up to 3 years old.

Even if your child meets the age requirements, not all locations in all pharmacies can vaccinate infants. According to pharmacies, children’s vaccines are available “at specific locations”, so if you can’t find a reservation nearby, expand your search to include more locations.

Pharmacies may also have different vaccines available.ither A two-dose Moderna or a three-dose Pfizer.

Where else can infants get the COVID vaccine?

Vaccines for young children are offered in different doses than older children and adults, so wherever these vaccines are stored, they are intended for young children unless a specific version is ordered and received. It is not possible to administer the vaccine.

Vaccines in this age group are distributed differently than older children, and more vaccines are sent to clinics than to pharmacies. Therefore, even if you go to a pharmacy for an older child, you may be able to take a shot of the younger child at a regular clinic or another nearby clinic.

For children who are too young to make a pharmacy appointment, it is probably best to ask their regular pediatrician. If they do not provide it themselves, they may be able to recommend a local place to do so. Your city, county, or state health department may also have information about pop-up clinics and other locations where vaccines can be provided. The CDC has announced that vaccine shipments will be sent to “pediatric clinics, pharmacies, federal qualified health centers, community health departments, clinics, and other locations.”

Vaccines.gov Updated to include a search toggle for places to provide vaccines for children’s age 6 months or more. Some search results include the minimum age (for example, Rite Aid appears in the results with a note that vaccinations over 3 years old are possible), but others do. not. We recommend that you check by phone. ..

The website shows that new locations for toddlers are being added daily as the clinic receives the first batch of children’s vaccines. Therefore, if you can’t find a location near you right now, it’s worth checking out right away.

How to Find a COVID Vaccine for Your Young Child

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