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How to clean paint brushes and rollers (so they can actually be reused)

Image from article titled How to Clean Paint Brushes and Rollers (So You Can Actually Reuse Them)

Photo: Natalia Lubinetska (shutter stock)

After you’ve finished painting your room, furniture, or other project, the last thing you want to do is clean up the mess.But if you’ve invested in a decent quality paint brush and roller, you probably Use them multiple times. And taking a few minutes to clean up right away will save you a lot of time and hassle later.

Prepare brushes and rollers before painting

There are a few things you can do to make brush and roller cleaning easier before you start paintingFirst, run your hand through the bristles of a dry brush to remove any loose material or other dust, debris, or bristles that may be stuck.

If using a roller, wrap painters tape around and remove Remove any lint, fibers, or fuzz. These steps will keep debris from sticking to the paint and make the job easier.

how to clean a paintbrush

Method is as follows work on a paintbrush:

  1. Put on rubber gloves.
  1. When removing the can, scrape off the hairs around the edges of the can and use up any paint left on the newspaper.
  2. when used water-based paint: Fill a bucket or sink with hot water and mild dish soap.
    when used oil paint: Fill a bucket with mineral spirits or turpentine.
  3. Swing the brush in the liquid and use your finger to remove the paint from the bristles and wipe inside.side of the container. If the paint is drying on some of the bristles, leave the brush submerged in the liquid.
  4. Rinse the brush with (new) hot soapy water.then give them Final rinse with clean water.
  5. Shake the brush to remove excess water.

How to clean the roller

and this is how remove paint from roller:

  1. Put on rubber gloves.
  2. Use a putty knife or another tool with a flat edge of similar type to scrape the paint off the roller.
  3. Spread excess paint on newspaper.
  4. when used water-based paint: Fill a bucket or sink with hot water and mild dish soap.
    when used oil paint: Fill a bucket with mineral spirits or turpentine.
  5. While the paint is soaking in the liquid, use your hand to massage the paint off the roller.
  6. Rinse the rollers in the sink under a stream of water.
  7. Stand the end of the roller upright to dry.

How to clean paint brushes and rollers (so they can actually be reused)

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