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How to choose the right vacuum cleaner for your home

Image of the article titled Don't Buy the Wrong Vacuum Cleaner for Your Home

Photo: REDPIXEL.PL ((((Shutterstock).

We live in an advanced consumer society. Vacuum, like all other products, has a high level of product differentiation. in short, I have Many Of different types of vacuum cleaners out there.If you’re not the type to casually read vacuum cleaner reviews and cleaning strategies, you might think that vacuum cleaner shopping is stressful. Or at first glance it’s easy (in the latter case, you’re almost certainly buying the wrong one).

So what kind of vacuum cleaner should I buy? It depends entirely on your lifestyle, tHe designs and builds the house you live in, And your own tolerances and preferences. Vacuums are not exactly cheap It’s important Choose the right one, especially if you want to clean your home. Let’s take a look at the different types of vacuum cleaners and what they offer.

5 types of vacuum cleaners (yes, 5)

There are many vacuums in the world, but they all fall into five basic categories.

Upright object. An upright object is a tank in the vacuum world.They are the heaviest, sometimes weighing close to 20 pounds.. Upright at any price point provides maximum power and suction, making it ideal if you have a lot of carpet. Due to its large size, the bottles and bags are the largest, so you don’t have to stop emptying. I will put it out. Also, uprights usually come with many attachments for cleaning different surfaces and features, many of which require some research to clarify their purpose. Conclusion: If vacuuming is very important, if you have a lot of carpet, or if you have a bad habit of spilling an entire cereal box on the floor, buy an upright.

Canister. The canister vacuum has a suitcase-sized body placed on the floor and is connected to the stick part of the vacuum cleaner by a flexible hose. They tend to be a bit lighter than uprights, but they provide similar power and suction.They are Ideal for homes with many stairs or different levels This is because it is designed to be lifted and carried while working. The downside is that you’re always leaning forward to pick them up, which can (literally) hurt your back. Most models don’t move easily when pulled back. Conclusion: If you have a lot in your house StairsCanister vacuum is the best bet.

rod. A stick vacuum is like an upright diet. Designed to be used like pushing and pulling while standing comfortably, Lightweight with a power head on top (usually less than 10 pounds). Stick vacuums are easy to store and operate, making them suitable for tight spaces, but less powerful than upright vacuums. Conclusion: If your living space is relatively small and you need something to suck up the dust, buy a stick.

robot. Robot vacuums have come a long way.These little machines It works by mapping your space, then running automatically and orderly through your room Before returning to the dock and charging. Robot vacuums are small and tend not to be particularly powerful, It needs to be emptied on a regular basis and moving furniture can be confusing (cats seem to enjoy riding them around, but there is). TI can’t go up and down the stairs for a while (yet), so I need one for each floor. Conclusion: Robot vacuum is good supplement Vacuum, bBut unless you live in a one-story space and are incredibly clean or incredibly lazy, it shouldn’t be your primary vacuum strategy.

Handheld. please think about it Old school Dust busterBut Today, there are many different brands with different features, but they are all basically the same. That is, it is designed for quick cleanup and navigating small spaces... Like robots, handheld vacuum cleaner Supplementary choice. Conclusion: Handhelds are great for quick cleaning, but they don’t clean the entire house.

Is a cordless vacuum worth it? Are bags better than bottles?

one time You understand which common type of vacuum cleaner is suitable for you, there are several others option sort out.

Bag or bottle? Vacuum cleaner sucks dirt from the floor and stores it For the future Disposal, ePut it in a bag made of durable paper Or put it in a hard plastic container called a bottle. Bins are convenient because you don’t always have to buy a new vacuum bag. Empty the bin, put it back in place, and continue. However, emptying a dust jar is often a cumbersome process, and your jar needs to be cleaned from time to time, but in a bag you just throw it and replace it. The bin model also uses a filter (see below), so you don’t have to buy a complete replacement...Generally speaking, unless you are very Worried about spreading dust in the air when throwing away the trash, they are the worstconvenience Selection..

Cordless or with cord? Cordless battery-powered vacuum cleaners are becoming more popular because they allow you to wander around the house without getting tangled in the power cord... On the other hand, a vacuum cleaner is a beast that consumes a large amount of electricity. The most expensive cordless model Lasts less than an hour on a single battery (although there are some) How to extend its battery life). Cordless models work well in relatively tight spaces without carpet. Otherwise, Coded models generally perform better.

Do you need a HEPA filter? If you choose a canister-style vacuum cleaner, it usually includes an air filter. This prevents the swirling dust in the canister from flying out into the air and removes allergens when vacuuming. Not all filters are the same. You can find models that include high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters. This is a high-end filter that removes nearly 100% of allergens and other particles that the vacuum sucks up.you don’t necessary It’s a HEPA filter, but if you’re suffering from allergies or tired of the idea of ​​a small amount of dirt leaking from your vacuum cleaner bottle, you can definitely add it.

How to choose the right vacuum cleaner for your home

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