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How to choose the perfect cake for every occasion

Image of article titled Need a new sheet cake in your life

Photo: Allie Chanthorn Reinmann

A wide variety of cakes that exist in the world If you’re a little overwhelmed, it’s a thrilling experience. Deciding whether it’s a butterfly-shaped cake with a motor or a thumbnail-sized bougie $ 3 cupcake tower can question your life choices.

Fortunately, there are cakes that keep things simple. A cake that can feed the crowd and provide a fun exclamation mark for birthday parties, festive celebrations, or the first day of summer. I need a sheet cake this time! … Bwait, What kind of sheet cake?type Is it a stand-up, a type in a plate, or a type in a pot? Before throwing away the whisk and ordering 200 microcupcakes, here’s some guidance on how to choose. The perfect sheet cake for your needs.

sNackingheet cake

It can also be searched as “snack cake”, and it is a version with less maintenance of two types of sheet cake.Snack cake like This is from Taste of HomeIs a layer of cake baked in a round or rectangular pan, frosting or Available in icing or plain. This cake has been made for a long time, and many home cooks casually call the rectangular type a sheet cake. What makes this kind of cake attractive is the invitation to everyday luxury. It is intended to be enjoyed whenever you want a nosh.Ideal for almost any casual situation, you can make your own Tuesday or impressive 9 inch square sheet cake Full size baking sheet When hosting an event with more than 40 guests.In most cases this sheet cake is not Formal presentation. At best, it requires an informal swipe of frosting and is provided by scooping slices straight from the pan.

To make a snack sheet cake, first decide how many people you need to serve. The 8-inch square is suitable for 9 or 10 people.Serving a crowd of about 20 peopleYou can make two of the former pots or use a 9×13 inch baking dish. For parties of 25 or more, use a half-seat pan (if the oven is big enough, make it a full-seat). Keep in mind that these cakes will be thinner due to the shorter rims.

Determining the amount of batter needed for a large sheet cake can be a little tricky. Note that for an 8-inch, 9-inch, or 9 x 13-inch sheet cake, one box of cake mix will give you two 9-inch round layers. In the Taste of Home chocolate snack cake recipe above, make a little over 3 cups of butter and bake in one 8-inch square layer. Using it as a guide, you get two separate cakes in about 6 cups, but for a 9×13 inch Pyrex you only need 4½-5 cups of batter. For larger cakes This chart From Stay at Home Chef Guide you in the right direction, Rule of thirds Useful when filling a pot. However, keep in mind that making snack cakes is laid-back. The cake can be thick or thin, so don’t sweat if the recipe gets a little shy.

layer cake

A Multi-layer sheet cake A more formal choice. It is always rectangular and is usually ordered from the bakery. This cake is usually offered in three sizes: quarter sheet, half sheet and full sheet. Perhaps calling this type of cake a sheet cake is more popular in bakeries because it is always made from sheet pans, from which it is cut and assembled to the appropriate size.These benefits cake Is what you do Always get a few layers of tall slices and frost inside and outside.theseHeat cake m Hulk for dessert, Impressive size, Provides a practical canvas for a wealth of decoration and cake art.

It’s like a cake with a printed face. It’s like a cake decorated with plastic toys.they are They usually ordered for them for a special occasion Taken Time to make, may include multiple mixing bowls, Various dedicated tools for decoration, and serve 15 to 20 people or more. Unlike snacks It would be very rare to make your own multi-layer sheet cake as a cake, “Happy Tuesday”, but I’m completely here for it.

There are two ways you can take to get Sheet cake.The easiest but more expensive route is to call or visit the bakery that makes them Get guided when choosing from Size, taste, And the decoration they provide.Again, this can be quite expensive depending on the time of year (graduation cake) that is All anger in May and June); You may need to order one month in advance.

The second way is to make something annoying yourself. I’ll say this now, but if you need a full sheet cake, you’ll have to order it. Unless you already have a full-sheet pot and an oven that can hold them, spending money on the pot will save you money.If that doesn’t matter, choose a regular cake recipe and determine how much you need to adjust That’s because you get the right amount of batter you need for your pot size (as we were a snack cake).With at least two layers of cake Enough frosting Fill and cover the whole.

Consider that opportunity when deciding which sheet cake is right for you. Snack cakes are casual and are likely to be like your own cake. It works well in hot weather as you can stop frosting butter cream, which is a substitute for melting glaze or powdered sugar. It’s also perfect for picnics, barbecues and street parties. It’s just freshly baked, so there’s no risk of packing or traveling. accident. Layer cakes are a more formal way to serve many people. They are more substantive and can have multiple filling and flavor combinations. They also provide space for elaborate and spectacular decoration to make the celebration truly special. And hey, if the party is big enough, you can always have both.

If you feel like this summer’s snack cake, try my strawberry coconut lime cake. The flavor is bright, tart, not too sweet, and After sprinkling with powdered sugar Ready to slice and carry to the couch.This cake doesn’t contain alcohol (but (I like where your head is), the lime rind adds a welcoming Margarita feel to the flavor profile. Strawberries are in season now, And use plenty of this sheet cake, But if you prefer another fruit, Please slice and paste it.

Strawberry coconut lime snack cake

Image of article titled Need a new sheet cake in your life

Photo: Allie Chanthorn Reinmann


  • ¾ Cup canola oil or other neutral oil
  • 1½ cup of sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 lime peel and juice
  • Greek yogurt ½ cup
  • ½ cup almond milk or other milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2½ cups of flour
  • 2 teaspoons of baking powder
  • ¾ teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • Sliced ​​½ pound of strawberries
  • Coconut flakes for garnish (I use Bob’s Red Mill Unsweetened coconut flakes. )

Preheat the oven to 350℉. Lightly butter the inside and sprinkle with flour to prepare a 13 x 9 inch baking dish. * Cut the strawberries into half or 1/4 inch slices and set aside.

In a large bowl, whisk until oil, sugar and eggs are mixed. Add lime peel and juice, yogurt, almond milk and vanilla extract. In a small bowl, add flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Mix gently with a fork to distribute the river and salt.

Add the dry mixture to the damp one three times and mix each portion of the dry ingredient with a whisk before adding the next ingredient. Some small lumps are okay.

Pour the dough into the prepared baking dish to make it smooth. Place a slice of strawberry on top. You can put them decorative or scatter them across them in any way, just don’t overload them as they can sink to the bottom. Sprinkle coconut flakes on top.

Bake at 350 ℉ for 45-50 minutes. After 30 minutes, check if the coconut flakes are too brown. When they start, take a sheet of foil that is a little longer than the length of the baking dish and put it in the tent. Gently place the foil tent on the plate. Avoid touching the center of the cake. Leave the rest of the baking time as it is.

Allow the snack cake to cool completely. Slice and eat like this or sprinkle with powdered sugar.

* Note: You can Arrange the dishes with parchment, but I don’t like it for snack cakes. It is sliced, scooped, and taken out of the baking dish, which can lead to torn pieces of parchment sticking to the slices and common oddities.

How to choose the perfect cake for every occasion

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