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How to check if you have Pell Grant

Image from the article titled How To Find Out If You Have Pell Grant

Photo: Stokkete (shutter stock)

and Tweet President Biden announced $10,000 in student debt relief for most borrowers, Federal Pell Grant Recipients $20,000 of debt forgiven. You may be wondering: Is there an easy way to find out if you are the recipient of her Pell Grant?Spoiler: Yes. Here’s how to find out if you have a Pell grant and if you’re eligible for an additional $10,000 in Federal Loan Debt Relief.

Do you have Pell Grant?

The process to check your Pell Grant status is very simple.

  1. Log in to your Federal Student Aid account by: studentaid.govThe official FSA Dashboard is the first thing you see after logging in. Other sources refer to this as the FAFSA Portal. For today’s purposes, they are the same thing. Note: this is No Usually the same portal you use to make student loan payments (for example, through a servicer like Sallie Mae).
  2. Go to ‘My Aid’ on the FSA Dashboard. A graph containing Loans and Grants is displayed.
  3. Click “See details”. If you have Pell Grants, the amount awarded should be right there.

i.e. as soon as you log in your FSA accountyour Pell Grant information should be readily available on the main page. studentaid.gov For portals, you are probably not the recipient.

What is Pelgrant?

a Federal Pell Grant Usually awarded to undergraduate students who demonstrate exceptional financial need. The amount awarded is need-based and depends on factors such as tuition and expected family contributions. The current maximum award is $6,895 per academic year. Unlike loans, Pell grants do not have to be repaid.

How do I claim student debt forgiveness?

For now, sit tight. Applications will be available no later than December 31, when the moratorium on federal student loan payments ends.

Biden announcement It also says that both tiers of debt forgiveness apply only to borrowers with annual incomes of less than $125,000 or families with annual incomes of less than $250,000. The plan also allows the undergraduate loan borrower to cap repayments at his 5% of monthly income.

How to check if you have Pell Grant

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