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How to block ads and reels from Instagram

Image from article titled Block ads and reels from Instagram using this app

image: OG

instagram is pass through identity crisis. more like Tick ​​tock?like more Facebook?this was not per se Year now and In the process, it’s haunting the hell out of everyone.

for nowInstagram experience is pretty badfull of intrusive ads, Reels from unrelated creators I be concerned to know about (A My main complaint now is creator actually conduct rarely follow It also appears in your feed. If you want to see their posts, you have to go find them. )

What you can do with TOG app

OG app (iphone, android) is intended to solve these problems.This is the first app I’ve seen in a long time that offers a third-party Instagram experience that’s actually worth it. Log in with your Instagram account and OG will receive your content and build your feed from scratch. Much better than using the Instagram app or the minified web version.

The OG app allows you to get your regular feed. story, DMWhen comment. this appear Like the Instagram app, but there it is No Ads or Suggested Posts, and no reel intrusion.Dedicated[リール]You can go to the tab and watch the video, but it’s there and you’ll only see it when you want it. Even better, yYou can disable it by going to settings reel and explore page completely.

What you can do with the OG app Also Create different lists with different public profiles (a concept taken directly from Twitter’s lists, but no complaints here). You can create different lists to follow creators you like in different niches like coffee, tech, lettering, design, and more. Once the list is created, the app will generate another feed specifically for those accounts.

all these features may help you hate Less Instagram. So what do you think? Are the OG apps good enough to make you enjoy Instagram again? There are other tips you can try make an instagram a little better.


How to block ads and reels from Instagram

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