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How to apologize when you are sorry

Image from article titled How to Apologize When You're Sorry

Photo: chayanupor (shutter stock)

One of the most devastating lessons of early childhood is that sometimes you have to apologize even if you’re sorry. These days, you may not take a toy away from another child just because you’ve decided you’ve had it long enough, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to force an apology. Here’s how to do it and why you should do it.

In your work or social life, there are times when you need to apologize in order to maintain a relationship. An apology shows your willingness to maintain a friendly relationship.Angela Gorman, Managing Her Partner and President AMW PRapologies are powerful, and if you’re on the fence about offering an apology, ask yourself how much the relationship in question means to you.

“If you value your relationship, think of your apology as a bridge to an opportunity to defuse tension and rebuild,” she said, noting that this is standard practice for “maintaining peace and quiet.” Added.

Don’t make this an overly sentimental and wordy encounter. The more you talk about this issue, the more likely you are to look fake and feel particularly sorry. This defeats the purpose you are trying to achieve. Instead, be frank.

Gorman suggested focusing on how the other person feels. She should look at the situation from their point of view, she said. Put yourself in their shoes the way your parents taught you as a child when you were a little toy snatcher.

“This works just as well for young children as it does for adults,” Gorman said. “Acknowledge that they feel that way and that I’m sorry that they feel that way.”

However, don’t rely entirely on the “sorry to offend you” model.Take a little ownership too and say sorry your Behavior led to its wounds. Then leave it alone. Don’t get hung up on the topic. Instead, suggest returning to the joint venture, having coffee in the future, or another activity that will help get the relationship back on track.

How to apologize when you are sorry

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