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How software solves problems in the modern world

As Hacker Noon reports, “In the last few years, software has moved all its critical life processes to the digital environment, which helps solve problems in different industries efficiently and quickly.”

Most developers aren’t just thinking about writing code, they’re trying to create practical applications to help people, animals, and the planet. To understand how digital technology has changed our lives, we need to be familiar with the real problems that software solves.

Software that solves people’s problems

Demand in the IT industry is increasing, app usage is increasing day by day, and no future slowdown is expected. According to Statista, there are more than 6.3 billion smartphone users worldwide. In the app store, you can find applications that meet almost any need.

  • Sports and nutrition;
  • Health and mental development;
  • Count finance and online banks.
  • Taxi service and delivery;
  • Book tickets, hotels, restaurants, etc.

They revolutionized the world and helped people separate their time from their daily work and do more valuable things. However, there is a special section of the application that solves people’s serious problems. They have a positive impact on our health and help us monitor our bodies efficiently.

Software for online visits by doctors

With the beginning of a pandemic that has almost changed the way people live around the world, many services have moved online. Medical services were no exception. They provided the patient with two support options. Talk to your doctor via voice or video, answer questions from chat experts, or perform remote diagnostics using special devices (such as heart rate measurement and control).

Software for online psychotherapy

It is not always possible to find a solution for a difficult psychological situation on your own, and you often do not want to discuss it with your friends. I don’t have time for a psychotherapist, and sometimes I don’t even have money. To help people address such issues, companies develop and improve virtual helpers, or applications that provide support and assistance, every year. Compliant with MarketWatch, the top 20 US mental health apps were first downloaded by 4 million users in April 2020. Online specialists can help relieve stress, organize relationships with partners, find a common language with children, and much more. For example, Apple’s virtual assistant, Siri, calls the rescue service when a question tells you where to commit suicide.

The My Pocket Therapist application brings together therapists from across the UK to help patients consult online.

This is a very useful platform to help you find the right therapist, make reservations and conduct video sessions in real time. Patients can book sessions, make payments, and leave reviews. Doctors create profiles, schedule appointments, and receive payments effortlessly.

Of course, the app is not a replacement for going to the hospital and makes medical services more accessible. It can also ease patient flow during a pandemic and screen for people with minimal symptoms. However, in order for a service to really help people, it needs to be functional, convenient, secure, and contain legal information.

Software for people with disabilities

Simple actions such as talking on a smartphone, going downstairs, and determining the expiration date of groceries in the store can be difficult for people with disabilities. However, some of these issues can be handled successfully using the app.

  1. Roger voice. Software that Deaf people can use to talk to interlocutors on their smartphones. The app uses voice recognition technology to convert voice into text, allowing hearing-impaired people to read other people’s stories.
  2. Hear You Now. This application allows hearing-impaired and hearing-impaired people to adjust the sound for situations such as public places and meetings. To do this, you need to connect your headphones to your smartphone. Optimize the background or foreground. Developed by a Dutch hearing aid manufacturer, this app is aimed at people who have a hearing aid but are not ready to use it.
  3. Be my eyes. This is a crowdsourcing application that uses video chat to connect volunteers with the visually impaired who are ready to assist them in a variety of everyday situations, such as checking product expiration dates and crossing streets.
  4. Look at me. An app developed by Samsung helps children with autism socialize well. This app teaches you to make eye contact, recognize emotions, remember faces, and better express your emotions through game interactions.

Developers are constantly coming up with new software to help those in need. With these applications, everyone can feel like a full-fledged social unit and make no difference.

Software for online workouts

Most people know that training is good for your health, but very few follow your doctor’s recommendations. In today’s world, you don’t have to go to the gym in bad weather. You can use the app on your smartphone. With the best trainers and personalized technology, training at home is as effective as a gym. The app store includes strength training and cardio options, crossfit and stretching programs, yoga and meditation.

For example, Nike has created an app that includes over 180 exercises by coaches in these categories.Anyone at Nike Training “You can create a four-week fitness program based on your personal goals. Whether you want to lose weight or gain strength, you can choose your preferences and add a level of experience. The rest is Nike training. Responsible and choose from a variety of appropriate trainings. “ You can train with your weight at home or with additional equipment at the gym.

But Seven has become a real discovery in sound software. If you have 7 minutes a day to do fitness anywhere without the need for equipment, this app will help you see the first results. With research-based training, Seven is designed to get the most out of it right away. “The 7-minute workout is a high-intensity interval training program. A total of 10 seconds of rest and 12 exercises for 30 seconds. Activities include push-ups, triceps lift, squats, and more. There are crunches, etc. All you have to do is select a goal. You can get started by getting fit, losing weight, and getting stronger. “

Software for diet and nutrition improvement

As digital services spread to all segments of the population, the need for nutrition management applications is emerging. These mobile nutrition apps help you track your diet, manage your food intolerance, boost your energy, avoid mood swings, and get your day on track.

FatSecret is one of the most popular calorie counters on iOS and Android. This software is very functional. The app has the ability to set meals and meal diaries, meal calendars, Apple Watch integration, Apple Health, Google Fit, Samsung Health, barcode scanners, reports, and goals.

If you want to customize your food, YAZIO software is a great solution. YAZIO offers customized plans for losing weight and building muscle. Standard features are a meal diary, nutritional value calculator, and barcode scanner. This app evaluates your diet, adds new merchandise, and monitors protein and fat.

Distribution software

For various reasons, you may not be able to leave the house and buy what you need. It can be due to illness, a busy schedule, or physical fitness. At such moments, either a close friend or digital technology can help. Food delivery software is now popular. Fundera predicts that deliveries and online orders will reach $ 32 billion by 2024.

If you decide to spend time at home today, Glovo will save you. “This is a Spanish start-up that delivers groceries, medicines, meals and more from restaurants, cafes, shops, markets and online stores within an hour.”

This service sets it apart from the large European delivery services because it offers small items on demand. Orders can be placed in the application or on the website. The Glovo platform connects three parties: users, businesses (shops, restaurants, etc.), and independent courier companies. The application receives a handling fee from the cost of the goods from the partner and the shipping charges from the user.

Recently, the delivery of goods by drone has become popular. Most companies now use drones with more than six propellers. Shipping containers can be placed in the compartment at the bottom of the drone or attached directly to the aircraft itself. The client receives the package by receiving it from the drone compartment that has landed on the ground.

Amazon was one of the first to try a drone to deliver packages. In December 2016, Amazon Prime Air successfully delivered the package to Cambridge. As reported in June 2022, Amazon is conducting a courier test in California.

Why software makes life easier

Modern software development aims to benefit people and save time. You don’t have to wait in line to go to the doctor – you can contact them by phone. You don’t have to cook a lot of food because you can order with the app with delivery. Also, you don’t have to go to the gym. Play the video and train at home. With the latest digital solutions, everyone can live a fulfilling life even if they are isolated.

If you write your own software, don’t forget to implement features that are highly appreciated by your home country and the inhabitants of the planet. This allows you to raise awareness, attract users, and tell the world about your product.

Image Credit: Photo courtesy of Mikhail Nilov; Pexel; Thank you!

Elina Nazarova

Powercode Chief Marketing Officer

Elina is responsible for the development and implementation of digital strategies. She is certified in business and start-up development and has over 5 years of experience in content creation and management. Her basic belief is that well-designed digital transformation can lead to the success of any business.

How software solves problems in the modern world

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