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How much money can really save you when you turn off the lights?

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Photo: Lolostock ((((Shutterstock).

We are officially entering a period of collective belt tightening. The economy is experiencing several things..All Suddenly It’s more expensive, wages aren’t skyrocketing all over, and old-fashioned money-saving techniques spring from the depths of our memory. But what if you’ve cut out all the corners and still need to save a few more dollars?One of the classic works of the Frugalist We recommend turning off the lights you are not using.On the one hand, this seems obvious: you Pay for electricityTherefore, it makes sense to turn it off when not in use.On the other hand, it is inconvenient to turn off the lights all the time, and the reason for switching is Flashy new light bulb This is because it is said to be energy efficient in the first place. Walk around a dark house like 19th Will the century save you enough money to be worth it?

The answer is … complicated. Let’s see how much money you can save to turn off the lights.

You have to do some math

So you have to calculate some numbers in the old fashioned way.. beginning, You need to collect two numbers: the wattage of your light bulb and the price you are paying for your electricity. The former can be found either on the bulb itself or somewhere on the package that contained the bulb. NextNeed to convert Kilowatt hours (kWh) from those watts.. For example, if your light bulb is 13 watts, multiply the power in watts (13) by the number of hours elapsed. on, Then divide by 1,000.So if your light bulb If you turn it on for an hour while doing math, the equation looks like this:

(13 * 1) / 1000 = 0.013 kWh

No, math! Next, look at your electricity bill to see how much you are paying for every 1kWh of electricity you draw from the grid.You can find some Here is a sample of electricity bill If you need help finding this information. Multiply the rate by the number of kWh just calculated.To tell We pay 10 cents of electricity per kilowatt hour. RUnleash that lightThe cost of an hourly light bulb is 0.0013 cents. Yes, it’s less than a penny. If you are paying 20 cents per kWh, you are paying 0.0026 cents.

that is Not a lot of money. If you’re interested, at 10 cents per kWh, Leave it Turn on the light bulb straight for 24 hours It costs you all 3 cents. Obviously, inefficient light bulbs cost more. An Old-fashioned 100 watt incandescent bulbs cost you cents For example, leave it for 24 hours.

It’s not exactly lucky yet, but consider your overall situation. HDo many bulbs keep burning every day? for how long? Let’s say you have 10 lights in your house, usually only 8 lights. It takes hours when it gets dark. Let’s Say half is 9 Watts and half are 13 watts, paying 10 cents per kWh.

(13 * 8) / 1000 = 0.104 kWh, that is, $ 0.0104 x 5 = $ 0.052 per day

(9 * 8) / 1000 = 0.072 kWh, that is, $ 0.0072 x $ 5 = $ 0.036 per day

So you spend about 9 cents a day to brighten your home. Now, assuming you do this for 50 weeks of the year (ignoring daylight savings time, etc.), you’re spending about $ 31 a year running these lights. Is it worth running around with them off?

If you need to replace all the light bulbs that you use 8 hours a day, you might wonder if it would be costly. It’s true that constant use of LED bulbs shortens their lifespan, but they usually last for years after continued use. The cost of replacing these bulbs is very minimal, especially because you can buy LED bulbs. A little over $ 1 each..

Other light cost considerations

This is Some other things to consider when saving power and money through light bulb management:

CFL: The calculation for compact fluorescent (CFL) bulbs is the same, but the engineering is different, so the on and off reactions are different. Frequent switching of CFL bulbs on and off can significantly reduce their lifespan. The rule of thumb is 15 minutes. If you need the light again within 15 minutes, leave it alone. If you want to leave it off for more than 15 minutes, turn it off.

Incandescent: This shows how smart it is to switch from these classic incandescent bulbs. Even with the lowest wattage you normally see at home, 40 watts, running 10 out of 8 costs about $ 112 a year. A few hours a day.

Conclusion: You can save some money by turning off the lights, but not so much. Whether it’s worth it depends entirely on how badly you need all the dollars.

How much money can really save you when you turn off the lights?

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