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How about making oatmeal in a rice cooker?

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Photo: Allie Shanthorn Lineman

oatmeal lover i have Good news for you.When you get excited When overnight oats were added to the grain repertoire, You may find yourself unable to control yourself there is more another how to prepare them. As it turned out, uUnder the right conditions, oatmeal can be prepared in you rice cooker. If it’s something fancy and you have some time on your hands.

Who is the oatmeal-in-rice cooker How?

This cooking method is great for multitaskers and It’s especially great if you want to feed groups of 3-6 people without risking it. Oh, and I left the oat cooking moment. Note that this works best with a more advanced rice cooker with some settings (more on this later).

Oatmeal and I have an on-again, off-again relationship. Stir occasionally while waiting obtain interfere with my schedule. Cooking oats in a rice cooker is almost effortless and, like a slow cooker, It’s perfectly safe to stay away from them Between rice cookers does the job. Not only is this easier, but it allows you to fully immerse yourself in other tasks while waiting.

How to make oatmeal in a rice cooker?

I have a small rice cooker that cooks about 4 bowls of rice.Oats do the same thing as rice It continues to absorb water until it bursts and falls apart.In this case, plan enough space for the oats to swell as usual, and exactly the same Measure the liquid to oat ratio.used Bob’s Red Mill Steel Cut Oats (Golden Spurt fan amiriTe?) Follow the cooking ratios on the back of the package. One cup of oats and 2.5 cups of water worked well for me.

I can do it, But there are drawbacks

The resulting oatmeal was soft and perfect. hot and supple still thick Consistency.But I got it some obstacles in the middle. As I said earlier, I have a small rice cooker. Old.Also it is very Basic. (Okay, good my mom got it when I was in college and it still works. All different settings stuff? )

my rice cooker offers a choice between “On” and “Warm” until the oatmeal is added This was the only setting I needed. Naturally, I set it to “on” and walked away. Twenty minutes later, when I happened to be looking at the spice cabinet, A distinctive sizzling and gurgling sound was heard. found my It was gushing out from the rice cooker Starchy oat juice.If you’ve boiled potatoes, pasta, or other starchy foods and accidentally put the lid on too longthen you know what it looks like: Boiling water bubbles become starch bubbles that pile up on top of each other and are eventually pushed out from the pot. It should be simmered uncovered or soft-boiled.It is covered to avoid this, It’s not a rice cooker option, but because it depends Steam was included to ensure even cooking. This makes the rice cooker options work best only with settings other than “On” and “Warm.”

If you have a rice cooker with only two settings, Then you have two options. Cook on high heat (“on” for me) for 10-20 minutes, keeping an eye on it, then reduce the heat to “warm” (to avoid volcanoing the oats) for another 50 minutes. , stirring occasionally.Another option is to set it to ‘Warm’ from the start and wait for the sizecan A part of your life that creeps before you enjoy life oatmeal.Sadly, this limitation limits the hands-off experience to your Average oatmeal preparation, additional sides Oatmeal slime cleanup.

Another drawback is time. This method of cooking oatmeal isn’t as quick as making it in a pot on the stove. Depending on what appliances you have, it can take an hour or more to cook on low settings. Ultimately, I think this method makes the most sense. make overnight oats, True oatmeal that you set and forget. my Basic With the groat rice cooker again, under the right circumstances, I now see why it excites some Oatmeal lovers out there.

How about making oatmeal in a rice cooker?

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