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Hidden Ways to Monitor Mac Temperature for Free

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Photo: pisa pictures (shutter stock)

Apple silicon — including the M1 and new M2 chips —Popular for stays How nice Even under heavy workload.Intel Macs, on the other hand, are notorious for their behavior hotThey’re still capable computers, but they heat up so quickly that they slow down. If you have an Intel-based Mac, you’ve probably experienced this computational heat wave yourself. . However, rather than guessing how hot your computer is, Built-in hidden monitor All Intel-based Macs Exactly What is the internal temperature?

Why (and Why) Your Mac Overheats

I talked about this matter beforewhen I mainly focused on laptops. However, the general principles are the same whether you have a MacBook or an iMac. That means you don’t want your machine to overheat.

Computers get hot because their internal components, the CPU and GPU, generate heat during operation.Depending on your computer, you may not notice while doing light work. However, when you start pushing the machine, you will feel: temperature rises sharply.

This heat will not damage or destroy your computer. I mean, it’s absolutely possible, but manufacturers make sure it never happens. Some heat is okay.parts aDesigned to operate successfully over a wide temperature range. But when the chip gets too hot—Typically around 90 degrees FahrenheitArlenheityour computer slows down processing speed In order To cool things down, it’s a process called “throttling”.

Throttling is the worst because it means Not getting the performance you expect your machine.trutha slow machine is better than a burnt and broken one one, but avoid overheating problem Helps prevent in the first place Throttle before activatingand unlock the full potential of your Mac.

While Many ways to combat overheating, One is to monitor the temperature of your Mac.. You have an Intel Mac and already have a monitor built into macOS.

Hidden temperature monitor in macOS for Intel Mac

I can’t find these temperature monitors when I search the apps installed on my Mac. As a useful utility, I can’t even find them in Activity Monitor. Rather, Mac’s temperature monitor is in Terminal.use Terminal can seem intimidating to many users because it allows you to control your Mac using only text-based commands.But you don’t actually have to memorize any of themcommand using the terminal. Copy and pasted commands work as well.

There are many useful terminal commands that everyone can use (This article covered many of them) However we are focused Temperature monitor this time. There are two commands available here.first time I can do it Shows temperature statistics for your Mac’s CPU.Copy and paste the following command In a new terminal window as is (quotes and everything):

sudo powermetrics —samplers smc |grep -i “CPU die temperature”

If done correctly, the terminal will ask for your password. Type it (unfortunately you can’t see what you’re typing) and press return. After a while, the temperature readings will start appearing and will update approximately every 5 seconds.The temperature is written in Celsius, so you have to convert it to Fahrenheit yourself, but after a while you will be able to see which temperatures are cool, warm, hot, and that too hot.

Speaking of which, you too Access one of your favorite data points on macOS. and your Mac decides it needs cool things down down, you’ll see (fan) It’s written next to the temperature (if your Mac has a fan). This shows that the fans are starting to work harder to push hot air out of the car. Fans are obviously a great tool for cooling your computer, but they’re not perfect. If your CPU is still hot to dangerous levels,usually 98 degrees Fahrenheit, My experience with Terminal —you will start to see (power) instead. If you see this number, it means macOS is throttling your CPU to keep it from overheating.

You can also check the temperature of your GPU using the following command:

sudo powermetrics —samplers smc |grep -i “GPU die temperature”

Please note that it will not be displayed (fan) Also (power) You will see in this terminal windowtemperature readings only.

Apple silicon options

Apple’s line of silicon chips don’t face as many heat ramps as Intel-based Macs, but they can overheat and throttle like any other chip. Unfortunately, this built-in terminal command doesn’t work on M1 and newer.se chips are designed to handle heat differently than Intel chips..

The only solid-state temperature monitor available for Apple Silicon rnow TG Prowhich has a cost. it is normal $20, but as of this writingit is sold for 10 dollars. If you’re looking for a temporary solution, the app offers a two-week free trial, so you can monitor temperatures for free for 14 days on your M1, M2, or any other Apple silicon variant.

Hopefully, as Apple silicon becomes more and more adopted by the Mac user base, developers will create more temperature monitoring apps for the platform. Hey, maybe Apple will make their own for free.

Hidden Ways to Monitor Mac Temperature for Free

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