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Hidden (and easiest) way to use Google Lens

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Photo: sdx15 ((((Shutterstock).

Google lens Is one of the most useful and impressive tools in the company. You can use it to scan surrounding objects to learn more about everything from plants to pets. You can also lift the text from the image. However, after all, there is a quick and convenient way to scan with Google Lens, which many Pixel owners simply don’t use.

How do you use Google Lens? If you’re like most of us, you’ll probably take a photo, open the photo, and scan the image with the lens in the app. Maybe you use the Google Lens app itself, or the Google app or the lens icon on your homescreen. Google has confirmed that there are many ways to use Lens on both Androids And iPhoneMake this feature found and available to as many people as possible.

However, none of these methods are as convenient or quick as the ones you probably didn’t know (I certainly didn’t know).Instead of taking a picture If you scan with the Photo app, you can scan the subject directly with the Camera app. With the camera app open, just press and hold the display and Google Lens will start scanning your subject.This ability is not new Also.For some reason, the shortcut is just Flying under Android radar —I learned about the trick Thanks for posting on Reddit..

Currently, this isn’t the only hidden way to use Google Lens. If you have the image open in one of the apps you used earlier, you can use this same trick to scan the image from the App Switcher. Swipe up to activate the switcher, go to the app preview that contains the image, and press and hold the preview to see the option to scan the image with Google Lens.

Hidden (and easiest) way to use Google Lens

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