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Hashtag trend Apple to manufacture iPhone 14 in India. AI-powered camera system tested to catch driver on phone

TikTok could be fined by UK for failing to protect children’s privacy, Apple plans to make iPhone 14 in India, AI-powered camera system uses mobile phones You can catch the driver.

That’s all the tech news trending right now. Welcome to WordPress. This is Tom Li, your host on Tuesday, September 27th.

UK could fine TikTok £27m after investigation reveals TikTok may have breached UK data protection law by failing to protect the privacy of children using the platform there is. A recent investigation found that TikTok may have processed the data of her children under the age of 13 without proper parental consent, failing to be transparent with users.
TikTok, along with TikTok Information Technologies UK, have been issued a “Notice of Intent” by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). The ICO’s preliminary opinion points out that TikTok violated UK data protection law between May 2018 and July 2020.

sauce: Reuters

Apple revealed on Monday that it will make its latest iPhone 14 in India.The company introduced the iPhone 14 at an event earlier this month. According to Reuters, analysts expect Apple to move about 5% of his iPhone 14 production to India from the second half of 2022. India is the world’s second largest smartphone market after China. Apple could manufacture one of his four iPhones in India by 2025.

sauce: Reuters

A camera system that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to capture drivers on mobile phones is being tested by police in Devon and Cornwall. It is being tested on select routes around the county over the next few months. AI determines whether the driver was using a mobile phone or whether the driver and passenger were not wearing seatbelts. It can also determine how fast the vehicle is moving. According to the BBC, images detected as possible attacks are checked by humans. If the violation is correctly identified, the driver will be sent a warning notice or a prosecution notice.

sauce: BBC

Engineers at the University of California, Riverside are developing a low-cost robotic “garment” to help children with cerebral palsy regain arm movement. A common cause, the device being developed through this project aims to provide long-term daily support to people living with cerebral palsy. Enabled by his $1.5 million grant from the National Science Foundation, the project focuses on building the device out of soft fibers, as opposed to the stiff materials used in robots. This also promotes more natural limb function. Not only will we focus on building robots, but we will also develop algorithms that allow the machine to predict the movements the wearer wants to make.

Source: UC Riverside

Here’s all the tech news trending right now. Hashtag Trending is part of the ITWC Podcast network. Add us to your Alexa Flash Briefing or Google Home Daily Briefing. Sign up for the Daily IT Wire newsletter to get all the important news straight to your inbox every day. Also, check out the next episode of Hashtag Tendances, our weekly Hashtag Trending episode in French, which airs every Thursday morning. If you have any suggestions or tips, let us know in the comments or email us. Thanks for listening, I’m Tom Lee.

Hashtag trend Apple to manufacture iPhone 14 in India. AI-powered camera system tested to catch driver on phone

Source link Hashtag trend Apple to manufacture iPhone 14 in India. AI-powered camera system tested to catch driver on phone

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