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“Fish pedicure” should go to hell

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Photo: Jupetter ((((Shutterstock).

The last time you went abroad, you’ve probably seen videos of fish pedicures and signs promoting them. Kim Kardashian got what is famous in Greece and a little fish shouted at the camera, biting the dead skin from her paw. This idea is familiar to the American audience, but less common in our daily lives. Fish pedicures are actually illegal in many states, including Texas, New York, New Jersey, and California. It may look terribly harmless, but there are a few things to do before stepping into a small tank. know.

What exactly is a fish pedicure?

By CDCA small fish called, Garalfa A treat for dead skin during treatment. Garalfa It is native to the Middle East and is used to treat people with skin diseases such as psoriasis.

Pedicures can Legal Defined and mMost cosmetology and care treatments are tightly regulated on a state-by-state basis. according to Low insider, Pedicure is “treating or beautifying the feet and soles by shaping and polishing the feet, and puncturing, removing, or removing skin or tissue from the feet.”The fish is doing only its last part, which is usually included in other safer and more legitimate pedicures..

Why is fish pedicure illegal in so many places?

Some of the reasons the state bans fish pedi are:

  • If there is fish in it, the bathtub cannot be cleaned sufficiently among customers.
  • The fish itself cannot be disinfected or disinfected.
  • Due to the cost of the fish, the salon may use the same fish multiple times It increases the risk of spreading infections with different customers.
  • The fish in question No Get used to GaralfaEven if labeled as such, in fact, Chin ChinHas teeth and can collect blood.
  • Fish pedicures do not meet the legal definition of pedicures.
  • In some states, there are regulations that specify that salon fish must be in the aquarium.
  • Fish need to be hungry to feed them their skin, which can be considered animal cruelty.

How does a fish pedicure feel?

The lasting memory of Kim Kardashian’s bark should be a clue that the fish swim around your feet and feel like you bite them, but you still get a fish pedicure. You may be wondering what it feels like. d Expect.

One blogger, Lahora MamaExplained her experience, saying, “It tickles, but not more than a regular pedicure.” She said her feet “feeled a little cleaner than ever” 10 minutes after more than 50 fish were spinning around each foot. BWith your ears in mind, your feet are also “Just a little clean “ Even when you have a regular pedicure.

Another writer detail Busy How “the fish attacked”“She surprised F,” screaming and beginning to cry before pulling her leg out of the tub.She againThey were submerged, but only lasted 15 of the 20 minutes she allotted.

Needless to say, IIf you’re worried that a fish pedicure is terrible or stressful, it’s probably not worth doing just for the thrills and social media content...And there is a possibility of infectionAnimal cruelty, and Bleeding, and this seems like a very simple stunt to avoid..

“Fish pedicure” should go to hell

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