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How to tell the difference between sadness and depression

Given how we use the words “sorrow” and “depression” in everyday life and pop culture, it can be difficult to distinguish between them. They may look similar, but they are not. The expert says it’s like he compares a star to a constellation. Understanding what separates grief from depression It is important. because it helps people knowSeek professional help and avoid unnecessary suffering.

An expert who spoke to Lifehacker explained that grief is a normal emotional state that everyone experiences in life after a loss, disappointment, or other upsetting event. A mental health condition characterized by persistent sadness and loss of enjoyment for at least 2 weeks, nearly every day, almost every day. clinical psychologist author with suicidal thoughts workbook.

One of the biggest differences between grief and depression is how long the person’s experience lasts.Dr. Bedford Palmer licensed psychologist in california deep than colorSaid sorrow is Focus on the moment.

“It could be a whole day of depression. The weather could have changed now,” said Palmer.“It may even be something that, to be honest, isn’t all that bad. Grief is something you can feel and be grateful for, and something like ‘I’m sad because this happened’ is appropriate.”

But depression is much more complex and can seriously affect a person.of lifePalmer says depression is Constellation symptoms That includes grief, but there are other things going on as well.Symptoms may include loss of appetite, difficulty falling asleep, stomach discomfort, difficulty concentrating, and inability to enjoy things. they usually do.

In such cases, the person is experiencing something beyond grief that is difficult for him or her to deal with.

The difference between depression and a sad or bad day

Psychiatrist Dr. Jesse Gold Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, In an email that medical professionals look for a variety of symptoms, not just grief, when diagnosing depression. major depressive episodeSymptoms must be present for two weeks, consisting of intense and overwhelming symptoms that interfere with an individual’s daily life.

According to Gold, the criteria emphasize that “people respond to life events and even difficult days at work, and they don’t need to be analyzed pathologically.”

“Grief is a normal reaction for many people, but when you’re sad, be aware of what else is going on, how long these symptoms have been going on, and whether they’re interfering with your daily life. It’s important – everyday life,” Gold said. “It’s important.”

What’s more, depression can manifest itself in many ways beyond sadness, and people with depression may not feel sad, points out Palmer. , you may become easily irritated. It can also cause people to lose motivation and withdraw from others.

Sadness is fleeting, but getting out of depression can be hard

Palmer points out that it’s helpful to think of depression as if it were on a spectrum. Simply put, someone can go from mild depression to major depression. What distinguishes them is their level of strength. It shows how it interferes with a person’s life and how long it lasts.

“It’s a lot different than listening to a sad song and being depressed. It’s much more than losing a family member and being really, really sad for a month and then coming out of it and feeling a little better each week.” No,’ he said. “With depression, it’s not about emotional triggers or distance from emotional triggers. It’s about feeling better until the biological causes of depression change naturally or change with medication.” there is no.”

However, this does not mean that grief does not affect people deeply. As psychologist and author Gordon puts it: In an email, she said that grief can have a big impact on people even if they don’t experience depression. He explained that it can have a long-term effect on your life and mood.

People who don’t treat depression are at risk of developing another episode

In our society, it is common to tell people whose loved ones are experiencing depression to try to overcome depression or that it is part of life. explains that it will be gone Leaves by itself.This may be due to the passage of time, changes in living conditions, or what is called a “spontaneous remission” of unknown cause. This does not mean that a person cannot experience another depression in the future.

“[I]If depression goes away on its own without treatment or learning new coping strategies, there’s a higher risk that depression will recur at some point,” Gordon said.

Palmer agreed, saying that often people with depression fall into a trough and then come back. Whether or not you’re prone to depression, though, is another story. Palmer compared susceptibility to physical ailments such as asthma. You may not have had a seizure in years, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have one.

People with depression may have suicidal thoughts

Suicidal ideation is another major factor that distinguishes grief from depression.According to psychiatrist Gold, suicidal ideation and depression are often closely related, and depression can Risk factor for suicide. However, she stressed that not everyone who has suicidal thoughts is depressed.

When it comes to depression, Gold said he considers suicidal thoughts to be a serious warning sign, but also noted that for psychiatrists, thoughts come with varying levels of severity. nuances are not usually noticed by friends and family, but mental health providers are trained to do so.

“To the psychiatrist, There is a difference between “I wish I hadn’t woken up tomorrow” and “I started saving on my meds, but I know you want to end your life like that.” Psychiatrists become more concerned when suicidal thoughts become more frequent or difficult to ignore.

How to know when to ask for help

Dear Professionals Emphasis on speaking to lifehacker It’s important for people to know what their “baseline” is—of their normal behavior—Pay close attention to changes. Gold suggests asking questions about specific habits and activities. Normally she sleeps 7 hours, is she sleeping 5 hours now and is she eating differently than usual? Are you lonely and don’t want to do something with your friends?

Another important aspect to consider is whether a person’s symptoms are worsening, the psychiatrist explained.for exampleIf I used to be able to leave my house to visit my friends, but now I can’t. ) You should also think about how your symptoms are affecting your life. Just because you’re working or going to school doesn’t mean you’re okay.

“I see a lot of health care workers and college students saying, ‘I’m in school and I’m doing well’ or ‘I’m going to work and I can do my job well,’ so it doesn’t get me down,” Gold said. rice field“In my experience, school and work are things that many of us can do for a long time while we’re depressed, and it’s other areas of our daily lives. [are affected first]”

Some people may stop taking care of themselves and their homes, Gold saidThey may also stop maintaining friendships or pay less attention to their relationships with their partners and children.

Palmer and Gordon point out that other warning signs include feeling sad for extended periods of time, such as most of the day or nearly every day for weeks. If it’s affecting your relationships, work, or school, you should consider seeking help. Suicidal ideation is also a serious and serious warning sign. People who have recurrent suicidal thoughts should seek professional help immediately.

how to treat depression

Treatment of depression depends on many factors, Gold said, severity of symptoms, personal psychiatric history, psychiatric history of family members, etc. Many people can start managing their depression with therapy that can identify the reasons and triggers behind their depression, she said. cognitive behavioral therapy We can provide people with the skills to deal with depression without medication.

But others may not get better with treatment alone. need medication, according to Gold.In such cases, preference is given to First-line drug the psychiatrist selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, or SSRIs, are the most commonly prescribed type of antidepressant. According to research, combination A combination of medication and therapy is the best treatment option for people with moderate to severe depression.

Overall, all the experts who spoke to Lifehacker emphasized that there are many evidence-based treatments available to help people experiencing depression. It’s never too early to get help.

“Depression affects many people. It’s not the result of weakness or personal flaws. It’s a mental health condition for which useful treatments are available,” Gordon said. If you are suffering, have compassion for yourself knowing you deserve support.”

How to tell the difference between sadness and depression

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