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Enable this hidden browser flag to reduce the memory used by Google Chrome

The image in this article titled Experimental Features prevents Chrome from occupying all RAM

Photo: Shutterstock ((((Shutterstock).

Chrome Notorious Consume a lot of resources —One of the reasons Many users have abandoned it Agree with Other browsers Like Firefox, Safari, and even Chromium based corner.But there is some good news For those who are still using Google’s browser: THis company is testing new settings that can reduce Chrome’s annoyingly high memory usage.

The mechanism is as follows. generally, Chrome checks open browser tabs for updates once a minute.This process will take additional time With RAM Each is open tab. If you have only two open tabs (or if you have a lot of RAM), that’s fine, absolutely News If you keep a large number of tabs open or running, you will experience lag and other performance issues. Chrome on an old computer.

With a new feature called Quick Intensive Throttling Background tab check-in is once every 5 minutes.Google has Publish detailed explanation FunctionalIncluding method They decided every 5 minutes, but an important point that is Quick intensive throttling significantly Reduce Chrome RAM usage.

Unfortunately, the new settings are still in testing and not available in the main Chrome browser, but you can try them out early by downloading the latest Chrome Canary build and enabling the feature with experimental flagging. increase.As Chrome Canary is a special build of the browser. for Test of unfinished Features, this and other experimental flags It doesn’t always work properly.But canaries too very Since it is another browser, you can download it without overwriting Standard Chrome installation If something goes wrong, you can easily revert to the safety and stability of the public version.

How to try out Chrome’s new quick intensive throttling settings on Chrome Canary

  1. Download and install Chrome Canary..
  1. Open a browser and type: chrome: // flags / # quick-intensive-throttling-after-loading Go to the search bar and go directly to the Experiment Flags menu settings.
  2. Click the drop-down menu next to it “Rapid concentrated throttle after loading” Choose “Effectiveness”
  3. Restart your browser when prompted to apply your changes.

After completing these steps, Chrome Canary will consume less memory on the background tabs that are open. Please note that these steps are different once Quick Intensive Throttling will be a stable version of Chrome, but hopefully this will help, Resource savings After setting and confirming Can be easily enabledOr even on By default..

For them In search of Reduce them Browser footprint without installation When Unstable buildCheck A guide to why Chrome uses so much RAM For tips on how to suppress your appetite System memory.Fair Warning: Troubleshooting them Probably will not reduce you The system is very late, May provide a temporary gap While you are waiting For more aggressive memory savings setting Arrives properly in Chrome.

[Bleeping Computer]

Enable this hidden browser flag to reduce the memory used by Google Chrome

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