Eight of the most important bear markets in US history (and what we can learn from them)
The recession in the late 2000s was the worst since the Great Depression.Subsequent parliamentary committee It was determined that the cause was mainly a lack of packaging and sales regulations. mortgage-Backed securities, over-risk companies, excessive consumer borrowing (specifically, those who invest in toxic mortgages).
Of course, most people didn’t realize it was happening, but the situation was so bad that the federal government had to extend nearly eight. Trillion Reduce dollars and interest rates on loans to financial institutions to near zero..
What you can learn from the Great Recession: Do you remember feeling like the sky was falling in 2007?The market for all bears feels that way for those who live through it, especially one. Characterized by high unemployment and a huge wave of housing foreclosures..But bad times PassFinal; in stock A market that has lost half its value by 2009, Recover to New height by 2013— And continued to climb..
As a country, the turmoil has theoretically taught us A difficult lesson about the importance of regulation Financial institution.The Great Recession leads to a direct passage Dodd-Frank method, The most comprehensive set of market reforms since the 1930s. ((((terrible The lesson didn’t stick: Many of Dodd-Frank were abolished in 2018. )
Eight of the most important bear markets in US history (and what we can learn from them)
Source link Eight of the most important bear markets in US history (and what we can learn from them)