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Dress Code Protest: Community Group Wants Police Review After Teen Arrest

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Five Ottawa community groups are seeking an independent assessment of Ottawa police services after arresting teens in protest of students against dress code rules.

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The group says police actively handcuffed and arrested male students “for no apparent reason” during a student strike at Beatrice Deathlog High School in Orleans last Friday.

Approximately 400 students were protesting in front of the school because they were angry at the “dress code blitz” by the manager, which included pulling the girl into the hallway to check the length of the shorts.

Police said they were controlling traffic in response to two calls from the school and one from the general public on safety. As the car passed, the students stood in front of the school and across the street.

Ottawa police arrested a male teenager who was out of school. The man was placed in a police car and later released without charge.

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In a statement released Tuesday, the community group rejected an assessment by Steve Bell, Ottawa’s interim police chief, that police actions in protests were justified.

“This case is particularly alarming, following last week’s release of OPS’s use of force race data showing that (Ottawa Police Service) is using force disproportionately against blacks, the Middle East and indigenous peoples,” 613. -819 Black Hub statement states, Ottawa Alliance, Achill Collective, Ottawa Black Diaspora Alliance, Horizon Ottawa to End Violence Against Women.

“If this is the way people treat white kids when they’re watching, I’m very worried about what they’re doing to blacks, the Middle East, and indigenous people when no one is there,” co-leader Robin said. -Brown’s statement states 613-819 of the Black Hub.

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These groups are calling on the city to initiate an “independent human rights-based review” of Ottawa Police Services, the Ottawa Police Services Commission, and Crime Prevention Ottawa.

“The OPS response to this student’s protest further eroded the lack of public confidence in the OPS,” the statement said.

Community groups compared police actions in student protests with the occupation of a truck convoy in downtown Ottawa last winter and the “Rolling Thunder” protest two weeks ago.

During the “Rolling Thunder” protest, Bell revealed that police were protecting the right to legal and peaceful demonstrations, a community group statement said.

“Obviously, OPS only protects the right to protest some people, not others,” the statement said.

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Over the weekend, Bell explained to the Ottawa Police Services Commission what happened at Beatrice Deathlog during a student dress code protest.

Police were trying to prevent students from crossing the street as the car passed at high speed, he said.

“Executives have repeatedly tried to make things worse and calm, but in some cases they have failed,” Bell said.

“The challenges faced by officers came from young people who were out of school, repeatedly crossing the road to opposition and upsetting the crowd.”

Bell said two teenage men were walking back and forth on the street and were repeatedly asked to stop crossing the street and obstructing traffic.

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“At some point, following one of these young people across the road, a large number of students flooded the road. Officers said this could escalate to injury and increase public safety risks. I was afraid that there would be, “Bell said in his email.

A video posted on social media shows a teenager claiming to be police and swearing. One of the protesters who claimed to be police when a teenager was arrested wore a horse-head costume.

“The two young people were not students of the school and were contacted by school staff who advised that they were not allowed access to the premises,” Bell explained. “The two young men were advised by police officers not to attend the facility at least five times and had to stay off the road on the other side of the road.”

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Bell said his review found police to behave properly.

“Executives need to answer this type of phone call when the safety of young people and other civilians is at stake. After going to the scene, police officers take appropriate action to keep people safe. And tried to block the road and keep students and other young people away from the road. “

In their statement, the community group is also critical of Eli El-Chantiry, the head of the police committee.

El-Chantiry told the newspaper that police had little choice but to arrest teenagers after ignoring the warning.

El-Chantiry said deputy deputy chief Paul Burnett is considering a call and will provide a rating to the board.

Some politicians, including counsel, used social media to question police behavior during protests. Jeff Riper at the police station tweeted on Friday, “I talked to the police to express my disagreement over physical control of the youth, even if they trespassed. I don’t know the sex right away. ” Catherine McKennie tweeted that police, academy and school boards’ response to peaceful student protests “endangers students.”

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Dress Code Protest: Community Group Wants Police Review After Teen Arrest

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