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Don’t pay a lot for passport photos

Image of article titled Do Not Overpay for Passport Photos

Photo: Anna Stills (((Shutterstock).

When travel costs reach new pandemic highs, You probably started fantasizing about international vacations yourself. However, before you start booking You need to make sure that your passport has not expired during the pandemic process.

Passport renewal is not only a slogan, Not cheap. The application process alone costs $ 130And that’s before working Passport photo fee. United States Postal Service charges $ 15 for passport photo service; Walgreens charges $ 15.99When CVS charges a steep $ 16.99.. But did you know that smartphones and scissors can avoid this cost?

According to the U.S. Department of State, You need to submit one photo to your passport application.Photos must be taken within the last 6 days For months, you can’t be “selfie” with a crisp image of your face (without glasses) and in front of a pure white background.“ In addition, the photo should be printed in 2 inches 2 inches size.If you think you can take a picture like this without it the Use a professional photographer, you will be right. Instead of making a reservation at one of the locations mentioned above and experiencing the hassle of paying $ 15, just grab a friend (or a flexible tripod) and take your own photo.

If you have a shot you likeRun it Photo tools provided by the Department of State To make sure it meets all their criteria. The discussion of using a professional service like the USPS and taking a photo yourself is that it is unlikely that you will take a photo that will be rejected during the application process.But this tool makes it Moot point.. By running your photos through their tools, you will be reassured that your photos are good before you send it.

Once you have a State Department approved photo, just use one of the free Passport Photo websites (I 123passportphoto.com) Form it in two With 3 people Collage that Image printed in 4 rows and 4 columns6 Photo (you can do this with Walgreens 37 centsAlso CVS 39 cents). Once you have a photo, cut the collage into 6 2 inches. 2 inches Choose a photo, what you like, and you’re all ready.. I avoided the $ 15 price tag and got a photo for my passport application for less than $ 1.All you have to do is make sure you aren’t hitting anything An overrated tourist destination.

Don’t pay a lot for passport photos

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