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Direct Energy Regulated Services Announces October 2022 Natural Gas Prices, Canadian Business Journal

CALGARY, Alberta, Oct. 3, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Direct Energy Regulated Services has announced default natural gas rates for October 2022. These charges apply to customers who have not selected a competitive supplier within the ATCO Gas North and South service regions. Rates are verified by the Alberta Public Utilities Commission.

north service territory

The North territory includes customers living in and north of the city of Red Deer.

  • For customers in the ATCO Gas North service region, the October regulated natural gas rate will be reduced from $6.146 per GJ in September to $4.595 per GJ.
  • This rate reflects a market price of approximately $4.267 per GJ for supplies in October, as reported by NGX, and incorporates an adjustment of $0.328 per GJ for September and earlier months. is included.
  • Based on an average consumption of 9 GJ, a typical residential gas price in October would be around $157 in the north.

South Service Territory

The South territory includes customers living south of the City of Red Deer.

  • For customers in the ATCO Gas South service region, the October regulated natural gas rate will be reduced from $6.146 per GJ in September to $4.595 per GJ.
  • This rate reflects a market price of approximately $4.267 per GJ for supplies in October, as reported by NGX, and incorporates an adjustment of $0.328 per GJ for September and earlier months. is included.
  • Based on an average consumption of 9 GJ, a typical residential gas price in October would be about $143 in the South.

More information about regulated gas supply and a complete list of competing retailers can be found on the Alberta Government’s Customer Choices website at the following URL: www.ucahelps.gov.ab.ca .

Direct Energy Regulated Services Announces October 2022 Natural Gas Prices, Canadian Business Journal
CBJ Newsmaker

Direct Energy Regulated Services Announces October 2022 Natural Gas Prices, Canadian Business Journal

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