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Difference between collector and hoarder

Image from the article titled Differences Between Collectors and Hoarders

Photo: Olena Yakovchuk (shutter stock)

Both collectors and hoarders buy more than they can claim to “need” and may be reluctant to part with what they have.andhey they both might fill their homes on the selected object. so whereline? Why consider one a hobby and the other a mental disorder?

Hoarding disorder was only recently recognized mental health conditionand recognized in DSM-5 published in 2013. Many questions remain, but it was then that we got an official definition. Psychologists are still not sure whether collecting evolves into hoarding or vice versa, and the causes and best treatments are not yet fully understood.

What is a hoarding disorder?

The main characteristics of hoarding disorder are compulsive acquisition of new things, difficulty in letting go of things already owned, and little or no organizing of ever-growing hoarding items.

Collection, on the other hand, tends to be more controlled. Collectors may still struggle to part with their favorite items and may definitely buy more than they need.But they also tend to carefully organize and admire their collections. there is. Here are some other differences.

Collectors tend to be more organized

One of the biggest differences between collectors and hoarders is that hoarders tend to see clutter in their homes. Things pile up and people sometimes forget or don’t realize what they have.

Collectors, on the other hand, typically organize what they find. Instead of having things scattered around the house, you may have a closet or room dedicated to collected items. Items may appear, placed, Or sorted in a certain way.according to study In a survey of both collectors and people with hoarding disorders, 95% of collectors organized their items, while less than half of hoarders said they did.

Collectors care about individual objects

In the same study, collectors were more likely to seek out certain items than others And make an effort to learn more about the things they collect. Hoarders are unintentional in their acquisitions. they’They are more likely to see things and decide to get them rather than deciding they are missing a particular item in their collection and looking for it.

Collectors also tended to have collection themes.It’s usually pretty narrow.and they took care To plan what they wantTed collect next. Only 55% of collectors said they collected free items. 95% purchased items for collection. Conversely, 70% of his hoarders collected free items and 87% purchased items.

Hoarding interferes with a person’s social and family life

Collectors may interact with others about their hobbies, make friends with other collectors, and discuss what they have collected. The study also found that collectors were more likely to be married and have a healthy social life. Hoarders, on the other hand, tend to be socially withdrawn, and their condition is more likely to affect their workplace.

Hoarders also find clutter painful, but collectors are more likely to report that their collection brings them joy. A lack of organization contributes to this: TThe rooms in which collections live tend to be “functional” as rooms. Around.

In order to meet the Hoarding diagnostic criteria, the person must experience “significant distress” in work, social, or family life because of hoarding. Clutter often causes parts of your home to stop working (for example, you can’t reach the stove to cook something), which increases stress.

process For hoarding disorders, talk therapy typically includes: cognitive behavioral therapy technology. The underlying anxiety about throwing things away or not “waste” things can be hard to shake. If you or someone you know seems to be having a problem with hoarding, seek mental health help.

Difference between collector and hoarder

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