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Did you try nothing?

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Photo: BLACKWHITE PAILYN ((((Shutterstock)

When I visited my Indian friend a few summers ago, I wanted to pack as many tourist stuff as possible every day.But my friend had Important insights. How they pointed out to me, For most of every afternoon, you only see foreigners.

Anyone who grows up in a hot climate understands how important it is to slow down, get out of the sun and make it easy. It’s a matter of survival. If your instinct is “the weather does not depress you” and instead to overcome the heat, here you should reduce some slack to yourself to survive the heat. There are ways and reasons.

Heat waves are tough on your body

First of all: This may seem easy, but as the weather gets hotter, the body works harder to lower its temperature. Many parts of the country are now dealing with temperatures that are expected to exceed 100 degrees Celsius for several days.Red cross To tell This means that it is time to “take immediate precautions to avoid fever-related illnesses.” Your body is already working hard to survive in the heat, but it makes sense for you to rest and take as many breaks as possible throughout the day.

You should too Know the signs Of heat stroke and heat stroke.

Schedule activities when it’s coolest

During the heat wave, we cannot put our lives on hold altogether.What are you can Carefully schedule field work and other activities.

For your daily plans, start your outdoor activities early in the morning and in the evening. From a weekly perspective, check the weather forecast and plan your errands during the coolest months (and the hottest rest days). I don’t want to get stuck in the long-awaited grocery that runs in the midst of a record-breaking summer day.

Take siesta

Schedule activities when it’s coolest, while scheduling breaks for the worst heat. If possible, take a nap during the hottest hours of the day (late afternoon, around 3 pm).

Most Americans can’t get a real siesta to work on their day, but you should plan to stay indoors at least between the middle and late afternoon. Try to find a source of air conditioning, not just indoors.according to Red CrossSpending a few hours daily in the air conditioner can help prevent or reduce heat-related illnesses.

Adjust your expectations

The main hurdle for all go getters out there is to accept that heat waves will slow you down.

For example, let’s say you have some ambitious fitness goals this summer.Sure, it’s possible Get used to exercising in the heatAs your body learns how to cool itself more efficiently. At the same time, exercising in hot and humid conditions increases the risk of heat stroke and heat stroke. So in the extreme heat Red Cross Make everything clear to you to skip your workouts.

It’s difficult to slow down and take a break, but in extreme heat, doing nothing is one of the best survival tactics.

Remember these thermal safety tips

If you want to take care of yourself or check others, make sure that:

  • Continue hydration.. Stick to water and minimize sugar and alcoholic beverages.
  • Get the electrolyte.. Sweat causes the body to lose sodium, but normal food intake can usually supplement it.
  • Check with your doctor. Ask if any of your medicines can make you more exposed to extreme heat. They should have guidance to help you hydrate properly and stay cool during these tough summer months.

Did you try nothing?

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