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Canadian Digital Trust and Identity Standards and Other Standards Under Review, Request for Comments

The CIO Strategic Council invites comments on the Second Draft of the Canadian National Standard on the Fundamentals of Digital Trust and Identity (CAN/CIOSC 103-1: 2020, Digital Trust and Identity – Part 1). Announced. It specifies minimum requirements and a set of controls for establishing and maintaining trust in digital systems and services that assert and/or obtain identity and credential data related to people and organizations.

Accredited by the Standards Council of Canada, the CIO Strategic Council is made up of chief information officers and technology executives who work together to address common digital priorities. Its published and ongoing standards include over a dozen areas including agriculture blockchain, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, connected cities, online voting, open finance, procurement, health, digital skills, digital identity, open finance and more. will be

Each standard includes a review schedule. A year after his publication, a review was initiated for digital trust and identity, as the situation is changing rapidly. This may result in modifications, additions, or withdrawals from the standard. However, Keith Jansa, executive his director of the CIO Strategy Council, said interested parties could submit comments at any time and the technical committee should review them and take appropriate action.

“The standards produced by the CIO Strategy Council, insofar as they are Canadian national standards, are suitable for global use. Canada’s interests will now be taken into account when the digital identity program is created,” he said. “A lot of what we have found is that when it comes to the country’s competitiveness, our well-being, economic and non-economic aspects, laws and regulations have not kept pace with technological change and need to be built. Consensus on products, services and people’s expectations in this area.”

CAN/CIOSC 112-20XX, National Occupational Standard for the Cybersecurity Workforce and CAN/CIOSC 100-8:20xx, Data Governance – Part 8: Framework for Geo-residency and Sovereignty .

Comments on Second Edition of Digital Trust & Identity – Part 1 must be submitted by September 21, 2022. Until October 31, 2022.

Canadian Digital Trust and Identity Standards and Other Standards Under Review, Request for Comments

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