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Boyden’s Nick Chambers Wins AESCIDEA Awards 2022

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The IDEA Awards presented to Nick Chambers by the Executive Search and Leadership Consulting Association at the annual conference in New York on May 11, 2012.

Toronto, Canada, May 19, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Boyden, the premier leadership and talent advisory company with more than 75 offices in more than 45 countries, received AESCIDEA from Boyden Canada’s partner Nick Chambers. Willingly report. Awarded 2022 for outstanding contributions to inclusion, diversity, equity and access.

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Award-winning Nick Chambers commented: We have a lot of colleagues who are enthusiastic about changing our search method and we can easily receive this award so we would like to share it with them in Ontario, Canada and around the world. “

“The work of AESC in this is meaningful and important, and there are wonderful people from AESC and the member firms that guide it. Traditionally, rather than talking about” candidates for diversity “or” searching for diversity. ” Attracting people from an undervalued community to a role, and focusing on who lived the experience is lacking in our decision-making. It’s a much more specific and powerful language. “

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Nick is a member of the Boyden Canada National DEI Committee. He is a member of the AESC Diversity Leadership Council. Selection committee member of Diverse City Fellowship of Civic Action. University of Toronto Rotman School of Management. He is also an instructor for McKinsey’s Black Executive Leadership Program. It is a key service of the Black Leadership Academy and has contributed to several cohorts over the last two years. At Boyden, Nick is a member of Global Healthcare & Life Sciences and Social Impact Practices, the latter targeting education, non-profit and public sector clients.

Trina D. Gordon, President and Chief Executive Officer of Boyden, said: Nick clarified Boyden’s philosophy and approach, worked to incorporate diversity, equity and inclusion within the organization and throughout the process, taking Boyden to the next level as a trusted advisor and global champion of social change.

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An important example of Nick’s contribution is the significant development of Boyden’s unconscious bias module, which provides training to clients and selection committees. Based on his expertise, Nick led some notable searches for positions focused on improving diversity, equity and inclusiveness, including the first board of directors of the Black Opportunity Fund. I have done it. He has also consulted and led numerous CEOs and board missions for clients seeking to diversify their leadership and governance. As a result, we have successfully hired executives.

Alicia K. Hasell, Managing Partner, Boyden United States; Honorary Chairman of AESC and Member of the American Council. Members of AESC’s Nominating and Governance Committees said: At Boyden, we strive to spread opportunities to people around the world, both clients and individuals, so we are very fortunate to be able to share Nick’s collegiality and energy. “

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About the AESCIDEA Award
In its third year this year, the AESC IDEA Awards was established in 2020 to support the AESC Diversity Pledge goals signed by more than 100 CEOs of leading executive search and leadership consulting firms. This award recognizes initiatives in the executive search and leadership consulting profession that demonstrate exemplary commitments to inclusion, diversity, equity and access. These initiatives must be of sufficient importance and external impact to be recognized as superior by professionals.

Boyden is a platinum sponsor of the AESC Global Conference.

About Boyden
Boyden is one of the first executive search and leadership consulting firms to campaign for diversity, equity and inclusion, with #disruptthenorm in 2018 including a formal approach to media campaigns, proprietary research, thought leadership and client engagement. It has started.

Boyden is the premier leadership and human resources advisory company with more than 75 offices in more than 45 countries. Our global reach allows us to meet our clients’ needs wherever they do business. Connect great companies with great leaders through executive search, intermediary management, and leadership consulting solutions. Boyden Forbes America’s Best Executive Recruiting Farm in 2021. For more information, please visit www.boyden.com.


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Boyden’s Nick Chambers Wins AESCIDEA Awards 2022

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