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Avoid these common bathroom refurbishment mistakes

Images of an article titled Avoiding These Common Bathroom Remodeling Mistakes

Photo: Dmitrii Erekhinskii ((((Shutterstock).

Keep in mind that the road to your dream bathroom may not always go smoothly, whether you’re renovating your bathroom bowel and starting over, or refreshing your cosmetics. In fact, so many things are happening, such as plumbing, electricity, furniture, tiles, and very heavy fixtures, so there’s a lot of potential for errors.

One way to avoid these errors is to learn from where others have failed. Here are some examples of common mistakes during bathroom refurbishment, so I know better than repeat.

Common bathroom refurbishment mistakes to avoid

Of course, it depends a lot on the scope of the remodeling, when the house was built, the budget, and the amount of projects you’re doing, but there are some mistakes that can occur in most bathrooms in some way. Refurbishment:

Does not consider ventilation

Considering all the hot water used in the bathroom, at least one ventilation method is needed. If you are doing bowel refurbishment, consider adding an exhaust fan if you don’t already have one, or upgrading your existing exhaust fan.

If you rely on windows for ventilation, make them easily accessible (that is, do not put large furniture in front of you or install obstructive curtains).

Space is crowded

As for the room, the bathroom tends to be on the narrow side, so make sure you have as much space as possible.This means paying attention Fixture dimensions Do not add unnecessary decorations or furniture that make the room difficult to operate, such as toilets, washbasins and bathtubs. This is especially true if you want to make sure you have a clear path to the toilet.

Install the wrong amount and type of lighting

The bathroom is usually the room that people use to shave, make up, and look closely at their faces to decide whether to repel acne. For this reason, the bathroom should be bright.

At the same time, it is not desirable to illuminate the bathroom brightly to provide a relaxing atmosphere while soaking in the tub, or to wake up completely at midnight. A trip to the bathroom.

This is something that many people will notice after a refurbishment, just by installing a single lamp that can only be turned on or off. Ideally Layered lighting in your bathroom— Means installing a dimmable fixture that can be turned on or off as needed, and an additional set of lights (such as a brighter vanity bulb) around the mirror.

Avoid these common bathroom refurbishment mistakes

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