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This site reviews products after they break

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We’ve come to rely on reviews when researching which products to buy. After all, everything is becoming more expensive (or smaller), and want to make sure the purchases you make are smart. That said, they often suck.

Traditional reviews are not enough

Reviews, as we know them, are inherently flawed. If you are the person writing the review, you usually want to share your impressions immediately after experiencing the product for the first time. will be When you open the box, the product either meets, exceeds, or falls short of your expectations. Either way, you have an idea and are ready to share it.

These first impressions are important and can dictate someone’s decision to buy a product for themselves, but first impressions aren’t everything. It is important. You want to know if the $400 headphones you’re considering buying will last for years to come, or if they’ll break in six months. Reviews from people who just bought the headphones won’t tell you that (unless they do). For real bad).

Important information, have you ever gone back many years to write a review, for better or worse? Might be sobut I’ve found that the longer you have the product, the less desire to share your thoughts.

ExitReviews highlights products that have been around for years

The problem with this traditional review is that Adrian Krebs create End reviewa website for people to share how their devices have held up in the long run and whether they believe they were worth buying in the first place. , there are also other types of products listed here. shoes, oven mittWhen dishwasher.

When first launched, the site searches for products or general product types and invites you to browse by latest reviews or popular companies.Reviews should be as detailed or concise as the reviewer would like You can, but ExitReviews provides a guide on what information to share. It asks about the product, the company that manufactures the product, and the condition of the product (including options such as “broken”, “worn”, and “initial failure”). This site encourages you to share the original image of your device. This is especially useful for identifying areas of failure.

how many years you’ve had the device, stress points (or which part broke), what’s good about the product (which I think can be difficult in certain circumstances), whether you’ll buy the product again, and You should share how much you bought it for. I actually used the product. You can choose to share how much you originally paid for the device, or if you’ve had any repairs done to it, but those bits aren’t necessary for the review. Because the site incurs that cost over the life of the product (a $100 item he owns for 2 years is 13.7 cents a day).

let’s see SteelSeries Rival 600 review, a product I own and use myself. This user found the mouse inconvenient and used it daily for 3 years. I have three major complaints with them, including an issue with the rubber siding falling off the mouse (which I also experienced), and while I appreciate the reliability of the device, I wouldn’t buy it again.

Whether or not that review discourages you from buying the Rival 650, if you’re in the market for a gaming mouse, it’s a little more insightful than someone who bought a new one last week.

A better review is still a review

Of course, these reviews may be more helpful when considering the long-term potential of the product, but they are reviews nonetheless. it’s like your opinion, Man. Reviews are opinions and not all opinions will match yours. You might find lazy advice about the product you’re researching, or detailed praise about something you’ve hated in the past.

Needless to say, just because a product breaks doesn’t mean it’s automatically defective. If a user is complaining that his phone won’t turn on, but it’s been 8 years since he’s been there, that’s not the blame they’re thinking of.

One final note. Since this website is relatively new, it may not have as many reviews as you would ideally like to see. If you don’t see your product here, please be patient. The review is entirely crowdsourced, so it’s only a matter of time before anyone who has used the device shares their thoughts on it.

If you want to dive deeper into this kind of discussion, take a look at the relevant subreddit on ExitReviews. r/productfails.

This site reviews products after they break

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