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Amazing food that can (and cannot) pass airport security

Image of an article titled Amazing Foods That Can (and Can't) Pass Airport Security

Photo: Milosh Maslanka ((((Shutterstock).

Combined with a shortage of staff and the maximum number of travelers the country has seen since then Before the pandemic, experts expect that this summer’s air travel is nothing more than “chaotic.”“ If the security wait time on the horizon is long, the Transportation Security Administration has already warned Air travelers prevent accidental carry-on of prohibited items. Some of the prohibited items are food. Therefore, before jumping into the security line this summer, Know the rules Surrounding these eight foods..

Solid cheese passes through airport security without any problems, but problems can occur if you plan to carry creamy cheese in your carry-on baggage. According to TSA, creamy cheese is treated as follows: liquid, This means that it is allowed, but only in increments of 3.4 ounces or less.But where does solid cheese end? Creamy cheese begins?? According to TSA spokesman Lisa Farbstein “MeIf you can spill, spread, spray, pump, or pour, it’s a liquid. “

There are some caveats with fruits and vegetables. You can carry it in your carry-on baggage as long as it is in solid form, not liquid or gel (that is, pineapple It’s okay, Pineapple fruit cup You must follow the 3.4 ounce rule). In addition, TSA states that passengers flying from Hawaii, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands to the U.S. mainland “cannot consume most fresh fruits and vegetables due to the risk of invasive plant pests spreading.” ..

You can put frozen food in your carry-on baggage at the bottom right situation.. The TSA writes:If the food is packed in ice or ice packs in a cooler or other container, the ice or ice packs should be completely frozen when passing the screening. If the ice or ice pack is partially melted and there is liquid at the bottom of the container, they are not allowed. Therefore, it is possible to carry frozen food on board, but it is at the discretion of the TSA agent whether it really is. frozenLeave you in the fight against time.

Surprisingly there that is Situations where live red shrimp are allowed to be brought in through airport security. The TSA writes: “A Live red shrimp are allowed to pass security and must be shipped in a clear, plastic drip-proof container. TSA personnel will visually inspect the lobster at checkpoints. Before arriving at the airport, it is advisable to contact the airline to determine the airline’s policy regarding traveling with Metanephrops japonicus. The TSA is correct.It’s a shame to bring a live red shrimp into the whole security and let the gate agent tell you that it really belongs to you already checked bag..

If you are trying to bring in traditional ice cream through carry-on baggage security, the 3.4 ounce rule applies.But if you want to be a little more creative, such rules don’t apply to carry-on Astronaut ice cream On an airplane.

The TSA itself certifies peanut butter as a liquid and is subject to the 3.4 ounce rule.Instead of discussing exactly where the solid state ends and where the liquid state begins, try checking these instead. Skippy’s TSA-approved peanut butter pouch If you really can’t make it a complete flight without the modification of your peanut butter.

Amazing food that can (and cannot) pass airport security

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