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All the way you should use Witch Hazel but not

Image of article titled All Ways You Need to Use Witch Hazel, But Not Using

Photo: Maren Winter ((((Shutterstock).

Witch-hazel is a flowering shrub found in North America and Japan. Its leaves, bark and twigs contain medicinal tannins. When distilled into a liquid, witch hazel is a common over-the-counter painkiller found in many medicine racks. You may have used witch hazel to fight minor cuts, but natural remedies have many other uses. Find out how else you can use this $ 3 drugstore staple.

Relieves hemorrhoids

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, witch hazel is effective in relieving many skin inflammations such as hemorrhoids and diaper rash. And eczema. Preparation H It is cited as an important ingredient in some products because it “helps to cool, soothe, and temporarily relieve hemorrhoids, itching, and discomfort.” (Similarly recommended and effective in mitigating Postnatal perineal discomfort.. ) You can apply witch hazel directly using a clean cotton pad.

Stop bleeding

Witch hazel Hemostasis Herbs, which means you can do it Reduces blood clotting time. Applying alcohol-free witch-hazel directly to small wounds can help reduce bleeding.It can also help because it promotes coagulation and reduces swelling Reduce discoloration due to bruises..

Tighten the pores

Witch-hazel is a natural astringent, meaning “attracts tissue and constricts blood vessels.” WebMD.. When applied directly to the skin, the pores shrink and “Temporary tightening feeling on the skin.. “

Reduce acne

Witch-hazel is effective in removing excess oil that can clog pores and cause breakouts. (Soap cleans the oil on the surface, but the witch hazel’s astringency penetrates deeper into the skin and removes the oil from the pores.) Its tannins Natural antibacterial propertiesIt also protects the skin from scratches. It is recommended to use witch hazel that is not distilled with alcohol. This is because the skin can become overly dry.

Reduce sunburn

Studies published in Journal of the German Dermatology Society Revealed plant extract from witch hazel “”Contains antioxidant polyphenol compounds that, when given topically or systemically, may protect the skin from sunburn and photoaging. Studies have shown that topical application of witch-hazel to sunburned skin has anti-inflammatory effects.according to Health lineMixing witch hazel with aloe vera gel or peppermint oil enhances the cooling effect.

Facilitates burning of razors

When we shave, the outer layer of our skin is destroyed by our razor, leading to cracks and ridges that can cause burns, stings and itching. As Dr. Joshua Seichner, Head of Cosmetology and Clinical Research at Mount Sinai Hospital Said insider, Witch-hazel can be used after shaving to “remove residue left on the skin, reduce inflammation and minimize the risk of developing a razor ridge.”

Most of our studies have advised to use witch hazel as a short-term solution rather than as a long-term solution for persistent skin inflammation.

All the way you should use Witch Hazel but not

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