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According to pediatric surgeons, the “three Ts” that build the baby’s brain

Image of the article titled The & # 39; Three T's & # 39; According to the pediatric surgeon, it builds your baby's brain

Photo: aslysun ((((Shutterstock).

I knew that “many” brain developments would occur The first few years of a child’s life-but I was unaware I can’t believe it fast The process will occur. Given that the baby’s brain doubles in size by the age of one, its neonatal neurons form “at least one million new neural connections per second.” According to the child development institution First Things First,The child’s brain is 90% fully developed by the age of five.This all means that It is important how parents raise their baby’s brain during these early stages.

according to Dr. Dana L. SuskindOne of the best ways a pediatric surgeon, a pediatric surgeon studying the development of a child’s brain, or a parent of a small child can support this process is to provide a language-rich environment. Young children read, remember, And language, and soft skills like resilience.

Suskind recommends that parents adopt a simple “3T strategy” to foster strong connections. Take turns.

Tunein To your child

Unfortunately, as parents, we are often distracted by work and household chores, even if we have babies, toddlers, and preschoolers. One of the best ways to foster an optimal environment for young children’s social development is to align with their focus and build conversations around it.

Think of it as a baby-led conversation (even if they can’t speak). Pay attention to what they see and hear. So guide your own attention and start asking questions. If you’re crazy about squirrels on the deck, “Are you looking at the squirrel? The squirrel’s tail is fluffy!” Can you hear me? There is a big whistle on the train. “According to Suskind,” Your mission is to match the conversation with what fascinates them at the moment. “

Talk, talk, talk more

Whenever you tune in to something that catches your little person’s attention, it’s time to bend the muscles of that little story. Think of it as a freestyle poetry slam. Here you can say whatever you like in relation to the topic at hand.Use a rich language Add words to your child’s memory bank and build your vocabulary. “We continue to talk with them about it, using a variety of languages ​​that encourage concentration and involvement,” says Susskind. For example, “See what the squirrel is doing. She stands on her legs. What is she eating? Is it an acorn? After this she will take a nap. ! ”

(This is when, after a long day, when fresh from the idea of ​​how to entertain the six months old, she put her on her hips, turned to the spice cabinet, and started reading the label. Reminds me that each spice was used. It killed 5 good people –10 minutes-This is more when you’re in the last countdown to bedtime. And hey, now she can pronounce correctly cardamom.. )

Take tPot while talking

The best conversation is one in which both parties are equally involved. This also applies to very few chat buddies. It’s all important whether they have flowering vocabulary, rudimentary words, or rumbling and pointing. In the final step, “participate in the conversation pattern before and after by asking the child a question that encourages them to explain the world around them and their feelings.” Starting with your own observations and feelings, they Encourage them to participate. “Wow, the garbage trucks are very colorful. You can see the green. What color do you see? Where do you think you are going? It’s very exciting when the garbage truck comes down our city!”

Why you should adopt a 3T strategy

this University of Chicago Studies He showed that improving the language environment at home can improve the quality of interaction with caregivers. (“I used more praise, explanations, and open questions when interacting with my child, but with less criticism, physical control, and invasion than my control partner.”)

Parents can continue to use the 3T strategy after their baby is five years old to facilitate lifelong “serve and return” interactions. No research, device, or professional training required. Just a conscious effort to realize what is drawing your child’s attention, focus your words on it, and start a conversation.

According to pediatric surgeons, the “three Ts” that build the baby’s brain

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