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According to Lifehacker readers, 12 of the worst wedding guest fake passes

According to Lifehacker readers, an image of an article titled

Photo: Victor Risenkov ((((Shutterstock).

There are several ways guests can unintentionally downplay attendance confirmation. They may not be able to do it completely (and still appear), do it at the very end, or answer “yes” and then bail. To ensure that engaged couples do not overpay at the last minute, it is imperative to get the exact number one week before the day. Or lose money on the plates they have already paid for no show.

For Lifehacker readers GGxGG The wedding had to be significantly reduced to 30 because of COVID, but there was no reply from a close friend whose wife was trying to give birth to a baby. 3 weeks before the wedding, GGxGG I contacted the inquiry (don’t let the host follow up!) “I thought he was no because I didn’t get a response again.” GGxGG Write. “My wife stayed home until he finally responded and told me he was coming (completely fine, but now for last-minute additions and seating plan rearrangements. Had to pay an additional fee to). ”

Insulting the injury, “She gave birth a few days ago, so he didn’t attend the event. It’s perfectly understandable, but at such an intimate event, why didn’t he decline from the beginning? mosquito?”

According to Lifehacker readers, 12 of the worst wedding guest fake passes

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