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According to Lifehacker readers, 11 moments to prove you’re finally an adult

According to Lifehacker readers, an image of an article titled

figure: arvitalyaart ((((Shutterstock).

As some of our readers have pointed out, nothing reminds us of the cold facts of your adulthood that the older generation dies.

from ffejie:

When I was 31, my girlfriend’s mother died suddenly, and my father was completely incompetent with a mental illness, so I had to arrange all the funerals, finances, and homes. Our lives were completely sucked in from planning and reorganization, which spent months of our free time. And my girlfriend never really got the chance to grieve for it. Since then she has taken care of him.

Golden ball field Posted: Posted

When the second parent also died.

Sometimes it’s not as dead as the ones that surround it, Charlie Pointed out:

When my mother died, I wondered what the funeral plan would be like. And I realized that I made them.

Our parents do not have to die for us to grow old. It could be about finding that you are more mature than your peers. 48 crash i got you:

When the problem had to be arbitrated between the parents. I was in my mid-20s and I was the only adult in the room.

According to Lifehacker readers, 11 moments to prove you’re finally an adult

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