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8 ways to be more confident (even when you don’t feel it)

An image of an article titled 8 Ways to Build More Confidence (even when you don't feel it)Image of the article titled

Photo: Chaay_Tee ((((Shutterstock).

Oh, Confidence.The elusive, intangible thing that we all know we need to get a job, attract people, reach our goals, and make money...Years or Decades to develop, a series of good decisions and positive results to maintain, andWhile it is shaken and regained.

Self-confidence is not always easy to obtain, although it is an integral part of success in many pursuits of life. In fact, just as abs exercise is required for a clearer abdominal muscle, it’s definitely a skill that must be practiced to become stronger. “Self-confidence isn’t just what you have —It’s what you create, “says self-improvement coach Tony Robbins. It is a state of mind in which we are not born (or not born), but can be nurtured or forged as needed.

What can you do when you need to show more confidence than you feel? Here are some tips to help you pretend to be confident, even if you’re short on supply.

8 ways to be more confident (even when you don’t feel it)

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