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8 of the hardest materials to clean (and how to care for them)

Image from the article titled 8 hard-to-clean materials (and how to take care of them)

Photo: Crapon Percellato (shutter stock)

Suede shoes and linen pants may be the staples of your closet, but you may be tempted to keep these items in storage rather than risk getting them dirty. You might not let anyone sit on your velvet couch and keep your grandmother’s lace tablecloth safe, even for special occasions. After all, these are hard to clean. It’s true that some fabrics are a pain to make, but they’re not impossible. The only thing really missing is the know-how to do it.

Here are some of the most difficult fabrics to clean and how to actually make them look good without spending all your money on dry cleaning.

8 of the hardest materials to clean (and how to care for them)

Source link 8 of the hardest materials to clean (and how to care for them)

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