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6 ways to know if you’re the toxic person in a relationship (and what to do about it)

Image from article titled 6 Ways to Know if You're a Toxic Person in a Relationship (and What to Do About It)

Photo: Fizke (shutter stock)

When looking at “toxic relationships,” the top results all focus on identifying unhealthy or harmful signs in the partner.After all, it’s easy to point fingers and diagnose someone else’s toxic behavior. Look in the mirror to admit that you are causing problems in a relationship. How can I know that I am a toxic person and what can I do to change it?

First, realize that your negative behaviors are likely coming from places of insecurity. You may have underlying power issues, fear of being abandoned, or self-destructive tendencies. there is. Especially if you’ve been hurt in past relationships. Toxic behavior doesn’t necessarily make you a bad person, but it’s important to recognize these patterns that can hurt people around you ( and, In order, hurt yourself).

Here are some of the main clues that you are a toxic person in a relationship and what you can do about them.

6 ways to know if you’re the toxic person in a relationship (and what to do about it)

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