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6 best videos to help you understand inflation in action

What is inflation? (inflation explained within 3 minutes)

First of all, let me say that I have the bones to choose videos that claim to be “less than 3 minutes” but are actually 3 minutes and 28 seconds long.With that in mind, this A simple and clear commentator. This is made up of stock footage, so this video is not suitable for visual learners looking for informative illustrations (but at least keep scrolling to the next slide).

The main angle of this video is that while many people have the implication that inflation is very bad, “inflation itself is actually a necessary part of the economy working.”That’s trueThe Federal Reserve targets 2% annual inflation, believing moderate inflation will help boost economic activity. As you educate yourself on the topic, you can start forming your own opinion.

If you like Concerning Reality’s straightforward exposition style,meme history” video, likewise.

6 best videos to help you understand inflation in action

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