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12 of the worst parenting trends of the last century

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Photo: Leslie Photo ((((Shutterstock).

The general social trends in parenting in the 1960s were based on the open and easy-to-understand style of baby guru Benjamin Spock, but the authority advocated by pediatrician Walter W. Sackett Jr. There was also a popular backflow, as illustrated in the principled parenting. ..

In his 1962 book Raise a baby, Sackett tells his parents not to feed his hungry and crying baby, and that he “is entitled to all love at the expense of the deeper love that existed between his parents before he was born.” I advise you not to believe it.

There is also this sentence that I love:

If we teach our descendants to expect everything to be provided on demand, we must acknowledge the possibility of sowing the seeds of socialism.

But the strangest thing is food. Sackett encourages parents to remove their children from breast milk early by feeding them cereals two days after birth and transferring them to bacon and eggs by the third month of life. He advised that he should drink coffee every morning by the time his child is six months old. (I didn’t make up for it.) But feeding the baby a solid diet too soon is very bad for them.

12 of the worst parenting trends of the last century

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