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10 ways to curb your child’s cravings while on vacation

Image from the article titled 10 ways to curb your child's cravings while on vacation

Photo: with Evgeny (shutter stock)

The season is approaching. Mailboxes are filled with letters from kids to the hilarious bearded toy maker/reindeer breeder while they frantically shop for what they think will make them happy. But will these items really bring joy months or even weeks down the line?If they got everything they wanted, wouldn’t it stop making things special or rob them of their creativity? Plus, too many toys. already.

Explaining to children the benefits of embracing a more minimalist lifestyle may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be.Co-author Christine Coe Minimalist Parenting: Enjoying Modern Home Life More with Less, explained to NPR that It’s “coordinating what your child is interested in and what they want to do, and take the path of least resistance.”

If you’re trying to push your kids toward a more minimalist lifestyle, even as the holiday season approaches, here are some ways to help teach them how to be happy with less and to help them learn to be different. I’d like to introduce_______ I want and what they requirement.

10 ways to curb your child’s cravings while on vacation

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