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10 of the most common sex-related injuries and how to avoid them

Image from article titled 10 flinch-inducing sex-related injuries (and how to avoid them)

Photo: Hananeko_Studio (shutter stock)

Who Urinary tract infections and yeast infections can occur after sexual intercourse, but are more common in people with vaginas. 50-60% of women will experience a UTI. after sex at some point their life. Urinary-tract infections and yeast infections have a variety of causes, but sex is a big one. If you feel an unusual urge to pee, a burning sensation when you doSee your doctor if your pee is cloudy, red, or pink. It could be a UTI.If so, they will probably prescribe the next course antibiotics to cure it. do not rely on Cranberry Juice “Cure”

Yeast infections are less serious and can usually be treated at home.of Symptoms include itching, irritation, pain, and a visible rash.

How to Prevent Urinary Tract Infections and Yeast Infections: A UTI is a bacterial infection. A yeast infection is a fungus.Both can be prevented by using condoms during sex, and keep things clean and rinsed.wash the body before and after sex. Urinate before and after sex. Stay hydrated and stay lubricated.

10 of the most common sex-related injuries and how to avoid them

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