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Why oil and gas safety managers are based on psychology

Sloan built car wash machines for a living before deciding to enter the oil and gas sector as a field operator in the early 2000s. He became interested in safety, and during an interview for a safety officer, someone he knew died on the job when he was 24.

“His spouse worked for us. I played hockey with him the night before. Unfortunately, he passed away the next day, but it was very preventable,” Sloan said. says.

There’s another incident to keep safe before Sloan’s mind, but it didn’t happen on the scene.

Sloane says his friends were always safe at work, but he didn’t take that mindset home. But when he was home, he still did not consider the same risks and dangers. ”

Whether at work or at home, it’s not easy to change someone’s mindset. Especially when many of the people you work with have ingrained habits and ways of doing things. “Cultural beliefs are a big part of that,” says Sloan, who works with people who have been in the oil industry for 40 years.

Why oil and gas safety managers are based on psychology

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