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What is the quickest way to ease coughs?


If you’re wondering how to stop coughing, there are various remedies you can try. Drinking enough fluids, using a cool-mist humidifier, and trying over-the-counter drugs can help ease symptoms. For children, honey is a natural way to suppress coughs. However, if your cough persists or is accompanied by other symptoms, it’s important to see a doctor to get the best treatment. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the causes of coughing, home remedies, and preventative measures.

Understanding Coughing and Its Causes

Coughing is a natural reflex that occurs when the body needs to clear the airways of irritants such as mucus, dust, and smoke. Coughs can be caused by various medical conditions, including allergies, acid reflux, flu, and COVID-19.

What is coughing?

Coughing is a reflex action that clears the airways of foreign particles or irritants, such as mucus, dust, or smoke. This helps to keep the airways clear and free from blockages. Coughing can be either acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term), depending on the underlying cause.

What are the common causes of coughing?

  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Acid reflux
  • Flu and colds
  • Chronic bronchitis
  • Pneumonia
  • Tuberculosis
  • Lung cancer
  • COVID-19

What are the symptoms of coughing?

  • Sore throat
  • Hoarseness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Fatigue
  • Fever

When to see a doctor for coughing?

It is important to see a doctor if the cough persists for more than a week or is accompanied by other symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, wheezing, or coughing up blood. In some cases, coughing can be a symptom of a serious underlying health condition that requires medical attention.

Home Remedies for Stopping Coughing

If you are experiencing coughing, you may want to try some home remedies before running to the pharmacy. Below are some natural treatments to help stop coughing:

Gargle With Salt Water

Gargling with salt water can help soothe an irritated throat. The saltwater helps to break up the mucus and clear the phlegm. Mix 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of salt to a cup of warm water. Gargle the solution in the back of your throat for 30 seconds. Spit the saltwater out and repeat three times a day, or as needed.

Use a Neti Pot

A Neti pot is a device used to clean out the nasal passages. The saline solution helps to flush out the mucus, irritating substances, and allergens that cause coughing. Fill the Neti pot with saline solution, tilt your head to one side, and pour the solution into one nostril. The water will come out through the other nostril. Repeat the process with the other nostril. It is important to keep the Neti pot clean to avoid infection.

Honey Can Help Suppress Coughing in Children

Honey is a natural cough suppressant and may be effective in calming coughs in children. However, experts recommend only using honey for children 1 year of age and over. Note that infants should not consume honey, as it carries risks for botulism.

Drinking Enough Water to Soothe an Irritated Throat and Thin Mucus

Maintaining hydration is essential to help thin the mucus and moisten the throat. Drinking plain water is the best option. People with coughing problems should avoid caffeinated, sugary, or alcoholic drinks, as these types of beverages can worsen the cough.

Use A Cool-Mist Humidifier to Loosen Mucus

A cool-mist humidifier can help loosen the mucus, making it easier to cough it up. Dry air can make coughing worse, so using a humidifier can help maintain healthy moisture levels in the air. Be careful to keep humidifiers clean to prevent bacteria and mold growth.

Natural Remedies Like Ginger, Steam, Marshmallow Root, and Hot Fluids Can Help Treat a Cough

  • Ginger: Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe sore throats and reduce coughing. Drink ginger tea or add ginger to your diet in the form of supplements or fresh root.
  • Steam: Inhaling steam can help open up the airways and loosen the mucus that causes a cough. Place a towel over your head and inhale steam from a bowl of hot water or use a steam shower.
  • Marshmallow root: Marshmallow root has been used for centuries to soothe coughs and sore throats. It can calm the irritation of the throat by forming a coating. Drink marshmallow root tea or mix it with honey for cough relief.
  • Hot fluids: Drinking hot fluids can also help soothe coughs. Hot beverages like tea, soup, and herbal remedies can help to warm the throat, hydrate the body and soothe the cough.

The Best Diet for Coughing: Which Foods to Avoid and to Consume

Proper nutrition can help to relieve a cough. Avoid foods that can irritate are acidic, sugary, or spicy foods. Consume foods that are soothing and anti-inflammatory like soups and stews, ginger, garlic, and honey. Eating a healthy and balanced diet can help to boost the immune system and prevent allergies and infections that can cause coughing.

What Are Over-the-Counter Medicines for Coughing? Will They Help?

Over-the-counter (OTC) cough medicines can help in treating coughs, but they are not suitable for everyone. OTC cough medicines can be found in the form of cough suppressants and expectorants. Expectorants help to loosen the mucus, making it easier to cough up while cough suppressants help to stop coughing. Consult a pharmacist or doctor before using any OTC cough medicines, especially if you are taking other medications.

Prevention Tips for Stopping Coughing

Preventing coughs is an important step to avoid colds and other ailments. Here are some tips:

Wash your hands regularly to prevent flu and cold

One of the easiest ways to prevent coughs is to wash your hands regularly. This helps to prevent the spread of germs and viruses that can cause respiratory infections. To wash your hands effectively, wet them with clean running water, lather them with soap, and scrub them for at least 20 seconds. Make sure to wash the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails. Rinse with clean water, and dry them with a clean towel or air dryer.

Keep a good sleep routine to avoid coughs at night

A good sleep routine is essential for maintaining good health. When we don’t get enough sleep, our immune system weakens, and we become more susceptible to illnesses. To avoid coughs at night, make sure to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Avoid using electronic devices before bedtime, as the blue light emitted from them can disrupt your sleep.

How to prevent acid reflux and allergies?

Acid reflux and allergies can cause coughing. To prevent acid reflux, avoid eating large meals, and take your time when eating. Avoid foods and drinks that can trigger acid reflux, such as coffee, alcohol, and spicy and fatty foods. To prevent allergies, try to identify and avoid allergens that can trigger coughs, such as pollen, dust, and pet dander. Use a HEPA filter to clean the air in your home, and keep your windows closed during high pollen seasons.

When to wear a mask to prevent coughing?

Wearing a mask can be an effective way to prevent coughing, especially during a pandemic. Wear a mask if you are in close proximity to someone who is coughing or sneezing, or if you are in a crowded indoor area. Make sure to wear a mask that fits snugly over your nose and mouth, and wash your hands regularly when wearing a mask.

By following these prevention tips, you can avoid coughs and maintain good health.