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Voters cast their ballots in the Brooks Medicine Hat by-election

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Today is Election Day in the United States, but Alberta has its own election to watch tonight.

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Voters riding the Brooks Medicine Hat in southeastern Alberta will go to the polls on Tuesday to cast their ballots in the by-election that will determine whether Alberta’s new prime minister, Daniel Smith, will win a seat in parliament. .

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Smith, who won the leadership of the United Conservative Party last month, called for a 28-day by-election campaign shortly after taking office.

Two local candidates are fishing to play a spoiler in an important race. Former Brooks Mayor Barry Morishita has run as leader of the centrist Alberta Party and is a retired Medicine Hat candidate. Gwendoline Dark, a schoolteacher, is running for NDP.

Also on the ballot are two right-wing fringe candidates, Bob Braywan of the Independent Party and Jeevan Mangat of the Wildrose Alberta Independent Party.

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Smith is running as a candidate in tonight’s by-election as he is not currently in the MLA. She is considered very popular in traditionally conservative areas.

Smith called for a by-election at Brooks Medicine Hat after former MLA Michaela Frey stepped down to start work. has decided not to run for the already vacant Calgary Elbow Riding.

Lori Williams, a political scientist at Mount Royal University, told Postmedia Monday Smith that a “decisive” victory was needed to solidify her leadership at the UCP. If she loses, she will either have to call another by-election to seek a seat or rule from outside Congress, and Williams said neither option was palatable.

Williams said a major victory would help Smith start moving into plans for several of her leadership campaigns, including the Alberta Sovereignty Act. , it will be possible to disobey federal policies and rulings deemed contrary to state interests.

“It certainly gave her a breather to try to put forward her agenda and work with her to actually present her proposals to address the concerns that the people of Alberta have. We will hold our first Congress in ,” Williams said.


twitter: @jasonfherring

Voters cast their ballots in the Brooks Medicine Hat by-election

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