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“Understanding Jordan’s Support for Israel, Potentially Extending to Saudi Arabia”

Iran’s recent assault on Israel with drones and missiles encountered unexpected obstacles from Jordan and possibly Saudi Arabia, surprising observers. The motives behind Jordan’s and Saudi Arabia’s intervention are multifaceted and potentially self-serving, analysts suggest. However, their actions also highlight Arab nations’ heightened concerns about the Iranian threat and their efforts to prevent a broader regional conflict.

The Iranian attack, launched in retaliation for an alleged Israeli strike on an Iranian consulate in Syria, was largely thwarted by Israeli defense forces, with assistance from the U.S., Britain, France, and Jordan.

Reports indicate that Saudi Arabia shared intelligence with the U.S. regarding Iran’s plans. Meanwhile, Jordan played a more active role by intercepting drones in its airspace and reportedly allowing Israeli jets passage, possibly marking a notable shift in their relationship.

This collaboration, particularly from Jordan, is notable given historical tensions between the two nations. Despite past conflicts, their shared security interests have persisted, demonstrating the importance of diplomatic agreements for stability, as emphasized by analysts.

Jordan’s involvement, while downplayed publicly, underscores its commitment to self-defense and the protection of its airspace. Despite political differences, both Jordan and Israel recognize the necessity of maintaining military cooperation, especially amid escalating tensions in the region.

Saudi Arabia’s potential role in thwarting the Iranian attack reflects its ongoing concerns about Iranian aggression and its efforts to counter it. Despite recent diplomatic overtures between Saudi Arabia and Iran, tensions persist, fueled by proxy conflicts in Yemen and Iran’s support for militant groups.

The incident also raises questions about the potential for broader regional security alliances, such as the proposed “Arab NATO,” aimed at countering Iranian influence. While such cooperation could enhance regional security, skepticism remains about the feasibility of formal alliances given the complex and ever-changing political landscape of the Middle East.

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